Dejan Ljevnaić, Director of Jahorina Olympic Centre: We have made all our facilities available to help combat the pandemic

The premature end of the winter season has resulted in losses of over EUR 3,000,000 while the activities on new investments have slowed down, which we will have to deal with when all this is over.

We spoke with the director of the Jahorina Olympic Centre (OC Jahorina), Dejan Ljevnaić, about what awaits the Centre after the COVID-19 pandemic subsides, what problems they are facing and have yet to face, but also about solidarity.

“We have immediately recognized the importance of solidarity in this difficult situation for all of us. We decided to help as much as we could at the given moment. As the director of a socially responsible company, and in consultation with my colleagues, I felt the need to help, so we gave up half our March salaries and paid that money towards helping the Republic of Srpska in the fight against the COVID-19 virus pandemic,” Mr Ljevnaić said.

How did you organize your business activities and how are you communicating with your business partners and clients?

We have organized them in such a way that we are working from home, have online meetings and do most of our work in our homes. The things that cannot be done at home will have to wait for another, better time which, I sincerely hope, will come soon. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have closed our skiing season much earlier than planned despite having plenty of snow, even more than in January and February. The premature end of the winter season has resulted in losses of over EUR 3,000,000 while the activities on new investments have slowed down, which we will have to deal with when all this is over.

The most important thing now is to adhere to all measures, look after our health and help as much as we can; everything else can wait.

How important is it for companies to stand in solidarity and help in these extraordinary circumstances?

We have immediately recognized the importance of solidarity in this difficult situation for all of us. We decided to help as much as we could at the given moment. As the director of a socially responsible company, and in consultation with my colleagues, I felt the need to help, so we gave up half our March salaries and paid that money towards helping the Republic of Srpska in the fight against the COVID-19 virus pandemic

We have also launched a rounded-off media campaign to inspire other business people, managers and individuals who can help within their means. In addition to donating funds, we are making all our facilities available to help combat the pandemic.

I would also like to this opportunity to urge all companies not to lay off their workers, but to provide them with security and stability in these difficult moments. We did our best to do just that and paid March salaries to all our employees ten days early so they can have enough money while being at home. We must stand in solidarity to help our employees both as managers and institutions that are fighting against the coronavirus contagion.

How do you spend your private time during the pandemic?

I relax, walk my pet and strive to enjoy all the ordinary activities that I usually don’t have a lot of time for. I try to help people as much as I can to overcome this crisis as quickly and easily as possible.

What will be the first thing you do after the state of emergency is cancelled?

I have been working on a strategy together with my team and we are adjusting our plans and goals concomitant to the situation. After the state of emergency is abolished, we are going to make quick and adequate steps towards resolving the ongoing problems and rectifying the damage caused by the pandemic.

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