Delta Holding Annual Business Results

Revenue growth of 22.3% in 2021

Delta Holding generated revenue of 618.8 million euros in 2021, which represents an increase of 22.3% compared to the previous year. In 2021 EBITDA was 63.03 million euros, which is 28.8% more compared to 2020.

126.7 million euros were paid to the budget of the Republic of Serbia on the tax bases in 2021.

“According to the results, 2021 is the most successful year since 2011 when the company decided on a major turnaround in its portfolio and left the retail business,” said Milka Vojvodic, CEO and senior vice president of Delta Holding. “The knowledge and motivation of our people, as well as continuous investment in new projects and modern technology is what made such success possible. We will most certainly continue with it in the coming years.”

Delta Holding announces large investments in all its business areas in 2022.

The Ananas e-commerce platform will start operating soon. It is an investment that will cost a total of around 100 million euros, and the plan is for it to employ 900 people by 2025. A large investment in technology and logistics, as well as its own state-of-the-art distribution center, will enable Ananas to provide customers with superior delivery and a user experience that has never been seen in this region.

When it comes to the Delta Agrar farms, the plan to build special windmills which will serve to prevent the freezing of fruits due to spring frosts. Antifrost windmills are produced by the American company Orchard Rite, and Delta Agrar will also be the distributor of their products in Serbia. This is the first time in the region that such technology is applied in plant protection.

Delta Real Estate plans to invest 45 million euros, most of which will be invested in the reconstruction of the Sava Center.

The construction of a new Delta Auto office building is also planned for 2022. This building will unite the showrooms of automobile and motorcycle brands BMW, Mini, Honda and KTM.

In 2022, Delta will expand the Our Village project, which was launched in 2018 with the aim of helping Serbian villages by modernizing agricultural production and establishing a social life in these settlements. So far, the action has included villages Dubocane and Mala Jasikova in the vicinity of Zajecar, and now it will expand to Backo Novo Selo, in the municipality of Bac.

Residents of this village will be offered education and continuous counseling on what modern and efficient agriculture should look like. They will get the opportunity for interest-free or very favorable loans which they can use to finance their production. Through the project, this village will also receive support in the organization of public and cultural activities and other forms of social life in the countryside.

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