Delta Holding: Still interested in the Sava Centre – but not under these conditions

Delta Holding did not bid for the purchase of the Sava Centre in the second tender, which was closed today. The price of 21.9 million euros and investment of 60 million euros, that our consultants consider obligatory, make this investment unprofitable in a reasonable amount of time.

Delta Holding has already stated that they are interested in investing in this cogressional centre, but under the conditions that enable the investment to be sustainable and acceptable for its employees, the community, as well as the banks that would follow it.

Delta is still willing to make the Sava Centre a modern and functional congressional centre with this investment, which would also bring major business and cultural events with more than 5000 visitors to Belgrade. A large number of other businesses would also benefit from this type of doing business, and the city and the state would have higher budget income.

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