“Don’t believe in horoscopes. Believe in artists.”

At the end of January and the beginning of February a rather unusual campaign appeared on Alma Quattro’s media in Belgrade. Even a spelling mistake was deliberately made in the text, additionally provoking the professional community and educated people.

We are talking about the campaign “Don’t believe in horoscopes. Believe in artists.”, which has immediately attracted significant attention.  Using works and philosophical slogans of the artist Dragan Radović Matični Čiča, Orange Studio has created a campaign that makes us pause for a moment and reflect on our everyday life and the things we have forgotten.

We have talked about the creation of this interesting campaign with Nebojša Babić, the creative director of Orange Studio.

“Our idea was to create a campaign that provokes, poses questions, and encourages people to think about life, reasons for existence, purposefulness and, generally, about the reality we live in.

We have provoked people from the professional community, cultural consumers, people on social networks and “ordinary” people, our fellow citizens who travel to and from work, people who live their everyday life today with the utmost difficulty, to think, look up from their phones, stop, read, make a comment, ask a question, smile, and think again.

Why? Our answer is:  Must there be a reason for everything?

It is something we have forgotten along the way… Love, Goodness, Thought… Must there be a reason?  We have given up and alienated ourselves from the essence, the essence given to us when we were born…

We have used the works of one of our most significant underground artists or, as some members of the professional community, mainstream art historians, would like to say “outsider artist”, Dragan Radović Matični Čiča (a magic old man) from Rio. We put his works, his philosophical slogans, onto the medium which is not only untypical for his art, but rather in total collision.  Thus, using a possibility of sending a message quickly, which is generally used by “the opposing party”, we reached an enormous number of people, conveying to them our message. Life. Reality.

Also, using the principle we copied from our famous designer and artist Slavimir Stojanović, we deliberately made a spelling mistake in the text, which additionally provoked the professional community and educated people…. We observed the reactions…

It was a multi-layered story. We encompassed all strata of the population and made them all react…
It was want we wanted. A reaction.  Just like social media algorithms ranking…

The campaign on billboards is a contintuation of our action, which started with a group exhibition in December 2018 in ULUS gallery, also in the space – medium that is not within our scope of activity, where we connected seemingly “unconnectable” artists…

We have shown that everything is possible. A possibility. A witty exhibition with a deep message and criticism…

These are all factors of freedom.

FREEDOM.  It is our idea, our imperative, and the path we are taking. On that path ART is indispensable and it represents the most important segment of the journey, art is a driver and our guiding star…


“The Act of Art” competition is a part and continuation of the project… which will lead us to the answer… “

“Don’t believe in horoscopes, believe in artists”!

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