Don’t Come to Adria Summit 2024 Under Any Circumstances

Adria Summit 2024, on May 8th, for the third time, at Kempinski Adriatic hotel in Savudrija, will gather over 80 speakers from around the world, bringing together the most successful participants from the world of Internet business, digital commerce, finance, internet law, and digital marketing. The goal is to empower companies in the region and enable them to enter the US market, primarily in SF as the headquarters of the Internet industry.

Adria Summit – digital commerce & business conference this year has a lineup that real, successful business people should not miss. If you want to hear something that has been heard a hundred times at previous conferences, don’t come. If you want to meet average people and build relationships and business partnerships with them, don’t come. If you want to listen to folk music at parties while drinking cheap wine, just don’t come. Then Adria Summit is not for you.

However, if you are a person who “thinks outside the box,” if you are successful (and when we say successful, we mean truly SUCCESSFUL, not just a regular guest on various business podcasts who “blows smoke”), if you are ready for new perspectives, if you want to be inspired, and if you are also ready to inspire others, then Adria Summit is for you.

Yes, this year’s Adria Summit program is truly great. The people on the Adria Summit stage had to “earn” their place there. They earned it with their years of experience in various business spheres, with their communication culture, by being true stars. Stars that represent our region worldwide, whose opinions and advice are respected by Europeans and Americans alike, who shape the future of global successful companies.

Nothing in life is as fantastic and brilliant as creating and running a successful business in today’s world. With this lineup, we wanted to gather the crème de la crème of business people on our stage, from Nenad Milanović, who realized the dream of every start-up – the founder of the first Serbian unicorn company, to Lazar Džamić, whose books every marketing professional has surely read, to Miroslav Varga, who needs no introduction, because if you haven’t heard of him, Adria Summit is not the place for you, to Dražen Oreščanin, one of the most important figures in the startup ecosystem in Croatia.

In addition to the program, Adria Summit pays great attention to networking. Besides parties that last until the early morning hours, one entire day at Adria Summit is dedicated to networking. We carefully selected activities for participants – from gala dinners, golf, tennis, bike rides, to agrotourism, because we believe that people coming to our conference (whether they’re on stage or in the audience) deserve to relax in the right way, to make new connections in the beautiful ambiance of Kempinski hotel with people who are similar to them – truly successful, normal, and inspirational.

At Adria Summit, there are no strangers, borders, or obstacles, only a sense of belonging to the ecosystem created by Adria Summit, whose starting point is REAL SUCCESS. Yes, the conference takes place in two countries, without borders and prejudices, with people who are similar to you.

Allow the beautiful Istria to enchant you with its beauty, wines, and delicacies, and in such an atmosphere – in the most beautiful part of the Adriatic, make great connections, meet successful people, and break your own limits. Because here, the sky is the limit.

For more information and registration, visit

See you in Istria!

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