Dr. Oetker officially opened its first factory in Serbia in Šimanovci

The German company Dr. Oetker officially opened its first factory in Serbia in Šimanovci on 19th May. The new office complex covers an area of ​​8,000 square meters, which makes space for the production of 4,500 square meters, warehouse with the surface of 2,000 square meters and the administrative part with the surface of 1,500 square meters. The factory employs 192 workers and its production capacity is 6,000 tons per year.

Premijer Aleksandar Vučić sa Zoranom Mitićem_Fotografija 7

At the opening ceremony the participants were addressed by representatives of the company Dr. Oetker, Managing Director Zoran Mitić, a member of the Executive Board of the company in Germany Dr. Christian von Twickel, His Excellency the German Ambassador Axel Dittmann, Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić, and the event was attended by Minister of Economy Željko Sertić, representatives of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, members of the Management Board of the German-Serbian Business Association, as well as media representatives.

Dr. Kristijan Von Tvikel, član Izvršnog odbora kompanije Dr.Oetker u Nemačkoj_Fotografija 1 Njegova ekselencija Ambasador Nemačke Aksel Ditman_Fotografija 4 Portfolio Dr.Oetker proizvoda_Fotografija 3 Premijer Aleksandar Vučić sa Dr. Kristijanom Von Tvikelom i Zoranom Mitićem_Fotografija 5

At this point the plant is producing 115 articles, mainly powder products – “Dr. Oetker” and “C brand” intended to be sold at the markets of Serbia with Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania.

“This year is particularly important important for our company, because the new factory began operations the same day when we celebrated 15 years of successful business in Serbia. We are very proud of our achievements so far and continue to strive for continuous improvement in every area. Employees are our most important investment, and in this modern space we strive to provide optimal working conditions. Dr. Oetker globally insists on the guaranteed quality of all our products in accordance with the highest food standards. The focus is on innovations that confirms our leading position and mees the new needs of our consumers, “said Zoran Mitić, Managing Director of Dr. Oetker Serbia.

Premijer Aleksandar Vučić_Fotografija 6 Presecanje vrpce, Dr. Kristijan Von Tvikel i Zoran Mitić_Fotografija 10 Prva Dr.Oetker fabrika u Srbiji_Fotografija 8 Prva Dr.Oetker fabrika u Srbiji_Fotografija 9 Zoran Mitić, upravni direktor kompanije Dr.Oetker_Fotografija 2

“Today we have a production facilities and sales locations in over 40 countries around the world, Dr. Oetker products are available on every continent. With more than 11,500 employees, the company achieved sales of over 2.3 billion euros in 2015. Although we are a successful and growing company globally, it is not the case that we open a new factory every day, and thus this day is really special for us” said Dr. Christian Von Twickel, member of the Executive Board of Dr. Oetker, Germany.

“Two years ago when we laid the foundation stone for the factory in Šimanovci, it looked like a cute fairy tale. It is an honour to have the opportunity to see some of it happen, with the help of hard-working and diligent people and our German friends and German investors. We believe that they will continue to successfully carry out their work. I expect that consumers in Montenegro, Macedonia and Albania will be satisfied with the best puddings and baking powder and will buy what is produced in Serbia” said Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić.

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