Dragan Tanasković, Director of ICT Solutions at Vip mobile: We offer a full range of solutions to our clients

If you are a company, you must be proactive and make sure that you “cover” everything: infrastructure, IT platforms, and especially employees, with adequate solutions, procedures and training

We strive to partner with our customers and offer a full range of solutions, including real-time end-to-end antivirus protection and e-mail protection that detects and stops spam and protects against advanced, multi-stage threats that use e-mail to penetrate in the IT environment in organizations.

Dragan Tanasković, Director of ICT Solutions at Vip mobile

The global crisis has forced us into self-isolation which has “pushed” both users and companies to expedite digital transformation. Will the development of IoT lead to an increase in cyber attacks and how can we protect ourselves?

That’s right. Many things that would normally have waited to be done in the future, were done now due to the need for social distancing. This has led to the consumption of the Internet via mobile phones to be twice as high as in the same period last year. With the expansion of the digital network and the increase in the intensity of mobile traffic and the amount of data, security risks have also increased. Working from home has resulted in many employees using computers that are protected only by consumer solutions, or not protected at all. Additionally, chats, video conferencing, and online accounts only facilitate potential intrusion into network systems.

The more of them you have, the easier target you are. That is why organizations and individuals need to reconsider their level of resilience. If you are a company, you must be proactive and make sure that you “cover” everything: infrastructure, IT platforms, and especially employees, with adequate solutions, procedures and training.

Cybersecurity is one of the 10 biggest risks in the world. How does Vip mobile take care of this business segment and can you tell us more about cybersecurity network solutions?

As a telecommunications company, we want and must protect our customers and employees, among other things, through cooperating with other members of the A1 Group. For example, in May this year, our experts from A1 Digital Austria successfully defended the company against a major cyberattack, when they worked out a password change on close to 50,000 internal accounts in a very short time. All markets in which the A1 Group operates were covered by this protective measure. We learned a lot from this experience, which also prepared us for future challenges.

We strive to partner with our customers and offer a full range of solutions, including real-time end-to-end antivirus protection and e-mail protection that detects and stops spam and protects against advanced, multi-stage threats that use e-mail to penetrate in the IT environment in organizations. We have also developed a physical Firewall device that offers a high level of protection for the entire network, users and applications, as well as a Cloud solution that provides users with the highest level of accuracy and reliability.

We are also considering expanding our offer to include other solutions such as protection against distributed online attacks, real-time monitoring of threats from cyberattacks and centralized monitoring and security management with continuous monitoring of cyberattacks.

“Online security has always been an important topic and with this pandemic, the general public has become more aware of the problem”

What can we all do together to reduce risk in the future and protect ourselves on a personal level and as companies, both large or small?

Online security has always been an important topic and with this pandemic, the general public has become more aware of the problem. I believe we have set a good example of how to adequately set up and prevent a potential problem. At a time when almost 80% of employees were working from home, we put our infrastructure to their disposal as much as we could and employees adhered to the rules and were responsible. Cybersecurity is a two-way street.

A large number of employees do not have adequate protection or education. Password reset standards are weaker, data protection is generally not as good as when working from the office, and computers used at home and e-mail have become an easier target for attacks. Training is one way to raise employee awareness of cybersecurity, where partners who offer reliable services and professional support at market-adjusted prices can help companies.

The economy of cybercrime is simple – the technology of theft is easier and cheaper than physical intrusions, while the response of the target is much slower. Therefore, it is necessary to establish much stronger walls that will protect the business. Furthermore, I think it is very important that my colleagues who deal with cybersecurity know that their teams are one of the main bearers of the digitalization process.

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