Dušan Radičević, CEO of Al Dahra: Al Dahra Expects New Investments and Records

Agribusiness international corporation, Al Dahra has invested 60 million in Serbia with expectations of record results and new investments

Al Dahra, the international corporation specialized in agribusiness, arrived in Serbia three years ago, by purchasing the assets of the former Agricultural Combine Belgrade (PKB). In a short time, Al Dahra became one of the most modern agriculture companies in the region. Dušan Radičević, CEO of Al Dahra Serbia, talked to Diplomacy&Commerce about the implemented improvements and future plans of the company.

Dušan Radičević, CEO of Al Dahra (foto: Al Dahra)

Leader in the agribusiness world: Invested capital and achievements

Following the purchase of PKB assets, Al Dahra launched a major investment process to revive the agricultural combine that had occupied an important place in the life of Serbian citizens, as well as to make the foundation for the new record results.

“Since arriving in Serbia, the company Al Dahra has invested almost 60 million euros in improving the business, twice as much as was foreseen by contractual obligation to the state. In 2022 we plan further investments in state-of-the-art infrastructure and equipment in the amount of 25 million euros. Additionally, in the next four years, we are preparing an irrigation project worth 80 million euros, which will significantly increase the company’s efficiency. Namely, thanks to the irrigation system which will cover almost the entire arable land, we will provide better yields which will no longer depend on weather conditions”, said Dušan Radičević.

Al Dahra cultivates about 21,000 hectares of land. Most of it is used for the production of soybeans, sunflowers, corn, oilseed rape, wheat, barley, and alfalfa.

On the way to build the most modern agricultural company in the region

Significant funds have been invested in the company’s agricultural machinery, livestock, and infrastructure, and the largest part of the investments relates to the construction of a new alfalfa production factory, because Al Dahra is a global leader in processing and selling this clover species.

“We will provide jobs for about 50 employees in the factory, and we plan to establish long-term cooperation with local farmers, enabling conditions for their further development and increase in productivity. The planned export for this year amounts to 20 million euros”, stated Mr. Radičević and added that new solutions had been implemented in the field of investments, thanks to which the old land cultivation process had been significantly improved and is now based on the improvement of the land quality, increase of the yields, high fuel savings and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

Al Dahra cultivates about 21,000 hectares of land. Most of it is used for the production of soybeans, sunflowers, corn, oilseed rape, wheat, barley, and alfalfa. This year, the company will also start producing vegetables and some atypical plant species. According to the CEO of Al Dahra, although the most important goal for them in the first years of business was to build a solid foundation for further business, implemented investments quickly gave the first results.

“Last year, record yields of wheat were achieved, more precisely 8.2 tons per hectare, then barley 8.9 tons and oilseed rape 4.4 tons per hectare. Considering that, we have great expectations from the further development of business, and we believe that Al Dahra will take an important place in the Serbian economy “, the director emphasizes.

(foto: Al Dahra)

Al Dahra as one of the most desirable employers in agribusiness

In addition to the all investments and the first record results, Al Dahra is gradually positioning itself on the list of the most wanted employers in Serbia. Namely, the company has about 1,200 workers, and their average salaries have increased by more than 30 percent with the arrival of Al Dahra.

“We are continuously investing in the development of Serbian experts and striving to create benefits for all our employees, which is why we are convinced that Al Dahra will find its place on the map of the most desirable employers in Serbia in the coming period”, explained Mr. Radičević.

More than a million euros to support the community

As a significant partner in the Serbian economy, Al Dahra continuously strives to provide support to the community, in order to thank the citizens for the given trust and use its power to improve their quality of life. One of the largest donations of the company in Serbia is the financial support in the amount of one million euros that Al Dahra donated to the Institute of Public Health “Milan Jovanovic Batut”, in one of the most difficult moments for our health system during the Covid-19 virus pandemic. In addition, Al Dahra strives every day to support citizens regarding various local challenges, mostly environmental ones. That includes cleaning landfills and canals in the territory where the company cultivates the land, as well as treating the canals with seaweed, which neutralizes unpleasant savors and enables the re-formation of the living world in them.

“Also, we provide the daily assistance to the public health system, education, local football clubs, and the local folklore society, while we have allocated an additional 100,000 euros to support the community this year”, said Al Dahra CEO.

In addition to the all investments and the first record results, Al Dahra is gradually positioning itself on the list of the most wanted employers in Serbia.

High goals in the upcoming years

According to Mr. Radičević, in a short time, Al Dahra has distinguished as a leader in the agribusiness in the Serbian market, both in terms of investments and in the field of innovations that yet will be felt in the terms of economic development.

“We are convinced that Al Dahra will become one of the most modern and successful agricultural centers in the region while encouraging the development of the entire local economy. We are pleased that as a global leader in the world of agribusiness, we can have such a strong impact on the development of the economy in a country like Serbia and we will continue to be its reliable partner in the years ahead”, concluded Al Dahra CEO Dusan Radičević.

(foto: Al Dahra)

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