Dutch High School Student in Serbia

It is a great opportunity to start working from the Netherlands for the company in Serbia.
Katarina Vinokić, High School Student on vwo5, Nehalennia in Middelburg, is only 17 and got a chance to gain international experience in ESM company in Serbia. Her main task is to set up Social Media and assist in Marketing. ESM has only LinkedIn for a year and very recently, she created an Instagram account.
Tom de Boer – Founder and Managing Director; H.E. Joost Reintjes, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Katarina Vinokić, High School Student on vwo5, Nehalennia in Middelburg (Photo: ESM)

“I want to expand, both of these, together, with our news section on the ESM. We have been working more and more on our name recognition lately. Last year, we changed the name Todebo to ESM (European Strut & Support Manufacturer). As this is our main activity, we make the brand more recognizable for all companies and our future business partners.

Photo: ESM

For me, the recent construction fair SEEBBE in Belgrade, opened by the Dutch Ambassador H.E. Joost Reintjes, was a highlight. It was ESM’s first time at a Serbian exhibition where we promoted our product range in the Balkans”, said Katarina and pointed out: “Due to the growth in construction projects in the Balkans, in which our strut and supports are needed for all HVAC & E installations, we expect a lot from the contacts we have made there”.

www.esm.rs ; Phone: +381 22671543


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