Elicio Wind park in Malibunar

The Belgian company Elicio released the 8-megawatt Malibunar wind farm on October 18 and marked the start of construction of the 42-megawatt Alibunar wind farm.


On this occasion, the Minister of Energy of Serbia pointed out that green energy is no longer an alternative energy but an energy that has no alternative and which will be dominant in the coming years. “Serbia today gets its third wind farm and with this project will have more than 100 megawatts of electricity from renewable sources”, Minister Aleksandar Antić said at the Alibunar ceremony. He pointed out that with safe steps we were approaching the goal of satisfying 27 percent of total electricity consumption from renewable sources that we have to reach by 2020 and that we should receive 24 percent of electricity from renewable sources by the end of the year. According to him, similar incentives are given by other countries in Europe, and Germany and Denmark have begun to apply new models of incentives that we will gradually adopt.


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