Eurobank Direktna joins Program of support to small enterprises and entrepreneurs in equipment procurement

Eurobank Direktna this year again joined the Program of Support to Small Enterprises and Entrepreneurs in Equipment Procurement in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, the Development Agency of Serbia and the “Serbia and the EU – Equipment for Economy” project financed by the EU. The aim of the program is the improvement of business environment and provision of working equipment for small enterprises.

“Support to the sector of small enterprises is one of our strategic goals, especially in altered market conditions when everyday business challenges are only growing. That is why once again this year, in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and the Development Agency of Serbia, and with the support of the project “Serbia and the EU – Equipment for Economy“ we have decided to be the key support to small businesses and entrepreneurs wishing to improve their businesses and provide their clients the best possible products and services”, said Dušan Mihailović, a member of the Executive Board in Eurobank Direktna.
The grant amount is approved to a legal entity based on the number of employees, and the total Support Program budget amounts to cca RSD 3.1 billion. Legal entities are entitled to a grant in the amount of 25% of a net value of the production equipment procurement, while client participation is only 5%. The amount of the grant can range between half a million and five million dinars, but, regardless of the amount, the financial framework includes participation of Eurobank Direktna loan in the amount of 70%.
Eurobank Direktna implements the Program of Support to Small Enterprises in Equipment Procurement, aimed at enhancing competitiveness of legal entities, improving their business internationalisation, and technological production processes, supporting employment, increasing revenues and improving conditions for financing of small enterprises and entrepreneurs.

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