Events in the Museum of African art – October 2018

In the year marking 110 years of diplomatic relations between Egypt and Serbia, we continue organizing events aimed at the enrichment and improvement in the field of culture and tourism. Thanks to the initiative of the Embassy of Egypt in Belgrade, a group made up of Serbian media representatives and a few families that have in recent years visited Egypt more than thirty times were offered the opportunity to travel to one of Egypt’s most popular resorts – Hurghada.

Join the friendship caravan on Monday, 15 October at 17:30, at the Museum of African Art.

On the occasion of the visit of the Governor of the Red Sea District, H.E General Mr. Ahmed Abdullah and in the presence of the Ambassador of Egypt, H.E, Amr Aljowaily, Milena Božović Manić and Nebojša Kotlajić, RTS journalists, and colleagues from “Politika”, “TV Prva” and other media, will reflect on Hurghada – the place where the summer never ends. With recordings, photos and selected music they will convince us of the widely famous hospitality of the local population, which is even more cordial towards visitors from Serbia, due to friendship between our countries that has been ongoing for over a century.

Thursday, 18 October 2018, at 7 pm
The works of Massinissa Selmani – Exhibition Opening
Exhibition curator: Ivana Vojt

Thirteen images from six series will be shown at the exhibition Poles Apart in Belgrade’s Museum of African Art – Alterables, Survey of the outside, Shapeshifters, Models, Moody’s and Promises, including two works that are not part of a particular series: Interval and Untitled #3. Besides the drawings, two animations are exhibited: Potential Memories. Alteration #1 and one untitled animation – Untitled.

The selected works communicate the position of power and its manifestation in society. By facing those who were raised on a social pedestal with those living on the margins, the intensity of the former becomes even more conspicuous, thus contracting the dramatic sequence. Who are the people in the position of power and what makes them powerful? The answer is simple: any person to whom the means of the manifestation of power were made available, whether these are guns or microphones, i.e. the media.

About the Artist

Massinissa Selmani was born in 1980 in Algiers where, following elementary and middle school education, he studied informatics and computing. He continued his studies at ESBA Tours (École supérieure des beaux-arts de Tours) in France, where he still lives and works. He finds inspiration in newspaper photographs and other documentary materials that he collects from around the world, which he then translates into almost surreal drawings drawn onto a white surface, shaping them into different drawn forms.In his works, Massinissa Selmani deconstructs and reconstructs reality, combining his worldview of growing up in Algiers with his current life in France, all the while lifting his scenes to the rank of universality, thus acting globally, not locally. This is evidenced by the notice for the artist’s work – Massinissa Selmani exhibits his work at important art shows and his works are part of collections in prestigious museums. They also feature in many private collections.

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