Five feng shui tips for success

The first thing is to pay attention to what you see when you enter your home. Take care that there is no footwear on the floor, hung coats and jackets. It’s important that everything is arranged, with lots of light, to include family photos.

Second, notice that your home really reflects what you want to be in any field of life.

Thirdly, in all rooms, pay attention to whether you can revive what you want. Is the bedroom a symbol of your good partner? Also, what your living room shows, whether it has positive vibrations, what kind of impression it leaves.

Fourth, it is very important to look at the door while doing something, as time opens up opportunities for prosperity in any field. If you turn your back on the door, reduce the possibility of doing so.

And fifth, pay attention to the colors. For example, in the business area, gold details are very important. The colors of the pink, pink and peach color are important for the bedroom, while earthy colors are recommended for the living room, yellow or orange.

If you want to learn more about this science, in a way that can help you in your everyday life in achieving your goals, sign up for the first certified Feng Shui Marie Diamond seminar, held in June 1 and 2 in Belgrade.

Marie Diamond is the world’s most renowned expert in Feng Shui and a secret that has succeeded in many Hollywood stars, multimillionaire, top athletes. She is one of the main actors of the famous film and the book “Secret”, which is credited with their planetary success.

Students will, according to their energy numbers, learn and determine the main directions in their home, office or space, in which they have a lot of residence, based on the date of their birth.

The Marie Diamond seminar in Belgrade is organized by Milica Stojiljković, author of the personal development program Lepo mi je.

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