Thanks to the partnership between UNICEF and VODAVODA, the development center of Zvezdara Health Center is equipped with new furniture and didactic tools for working with children, and additional training for 104 pediatricians and healthcare associates from development counseling centers in Belgrade has been provided.

Belgrade 13.11.2018
The consultant was visited by the director of UNICEF in Serbia, Regina De Dominicis, assistant to the Minister of Health, Dr. Vesna Knjeginjic, and the creator of VODAVODA brand Vojin Djordjevic.
© UNICEF Serbia / 2018 / Shubuckl
“The early childhood period is the most important development phase in every child’s life, which is why we particularly thank the company VODAVODA for dedicated investment in early development and a significant contribution in this field,” said Regina De Dominićis, UNICEF Director.
“Together with UNICEF, we want to contribute to the well-being of children in order to get the necessary services in the first days of their lives in order to realize their potential and lead a healthy and productive life. Our mission is to work on raising the awareness of every individual about the importance of investing in children from the earliest age, because we are the best basis for a healthy and successful nation in the future, “says VODAVODA’s creator Vojin Djordjevic.