Foreign Investors Council welcomes Serbia’s achieved result related to FDI’s

The Foreign Investors Council welcomes that Serbia ranks number one in the number of FDI projects in 2018 according to the data published by Financial Times.

Taking into consideration achieved result, it is obvious that so far implemented reforms had an impact. As an association that is a steady partner to the Serbian Government in improving overall business conditions, we are satisfied to witness that our joint efforts made a tangible result. At the same time, we will continue to advocate for further even more dynamic reforms in order to assist Serbia to catch up with the developed markets, including the ones in EU, which Serbia wants to join. In particular, we recommend working on sustainable fiscal consolidation through conducting structural reforms, especially privatization and corporatization of state-owned enterprises, continue with the harmonization of laws with EU regulations and further improve law implementation.
About FIC: From an independent business association created by 14 companies, we stayed faithful to our principles and grew to gather over 120 companies from all around the globe who have invested more than EUR 33 billion and directly employ over 100,000 people in Serbia compared to EUR 150 million of investments and 3.160 employees in 2003!. FIC main goal is to influence the improvement of the business climate in Serbia by making concrete reform proposals and building a business portal for communication with the authorities in Serbia. FIC is also focusing on promoting solid business ethics and high corporate governance principles within the organization and towards local companies, the Government, and other external stakeholders. Through support and active engagement of membership, FIC has proven to be a strict guardian of the business community interests and at the same time a reliable partner to the Government of Serbia and other relevant stakeholders.

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