French Tech Initiative launched in Serbia

French Tech Initiative started in Serbia, in April 2019, the initiative of brings together 12 startup companies, is aimed at further growth and strengthening in the digital ecosystem of Serbia.

French Ambassador to Serbia Frederik Mondoloni emphasized the importance of this initiative for France, but also for Serbia.

– For our country, the development of economics and digital technology is very important. That’s why France launched the French Tech initiative in 2014, which brings together a number of startups, digital technology companies and their grouping and connectivity. Today there are 38 French Tech communities in France, 48 in the whole world. These communities now exist in the most developed cities of the world – Shanghai, Sao Paolo, Los Angeles, Berlin … This year the French Tech Community was founded in Serbia, which is very pleasing to us, because Serbia is a country of immense opportunities for developing innovative and digital technologies – said Ambassador Mondoloni at the presentation of the French Tech Community, which took place on June 12th at the French Embassy in Serbia.

He also pointed to the great importance of the French Serbian Chamber of Commerce to launch this initiative in Serbia.

Nenad Popovic, Minister of Innovation and Technological Development, reminded that Serbia and France mark 180 years of diplomatic relations.

The Minister pointed out that in the last two years the budget of the Government of Serbia for this purpose has been increased 10 times, and expressed the hope that this pace will continue. The Minister also invited all members of the French Tech Initiatives in Serbia to apply for all the competitions that exist through the Innovation Fund, but also for the projects managed by the Ministry of Innovation and Technological Development of Serbia.

President of the French Tech Initiative in Serbia, Nikola Rabrenovic, said that there are currently 12 companies in Serbia in this community.

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