GALENIKA Starts New Investment Cycle with Focus on Environmental Protection

Belgrade, October 27, 2021Galenika company, which is part of the Brazilian NC Group, starts a new investment cycle in Serbia. The plan is to invest in the construction of a technologically state-of-the-art warehouse for raw materials and packaging, as well as the modernisation of the boiler room for the production of thermal energy. The value of these investments is EUR 6.2 million, with the expected realization by the beginning of 2023.

The new warehouse, whose purpose is the storage of raw materials and packaging – packaging materials and finished products, will be in line with the latest technologies and GMP standards, with increased energy efficiency and capacity expansion to 17,000 pallets and improved product distribution operations. In order to improve the efficiency of operations, the new warehouse will be accompanied by state-of-the-art equipment and digital business management system – SAP, as well as a warehouse management system – SAP WMS (warehouse management system).

The boiler room is intended for the production of thermal energy for the needs of the Galenika company and the Nova Galenika settlement. The goal of the boiler room modernisation is to continue harmonization with the strictest flue gas emission standards, including reduction of energy consumption by 25%, proportional reduction of CO2 emissions and increase of heat production efficiency, as well as reaching the most modern standards of safety and protection of boiler room employees. The modernised boiler room will be fully automated, through the implementation of a system that enables management and control of all processes in real time.

After investments in the amount of EUR 12 million in the previous 3 years with a focus on digitalization of business processes and expansion of product portfolios, we have started a new cycle in line with the company’s permanent commitment to invest in energy efficiency and environmental impact. We are continuously working on increasing the energy efficiency of existing facilities. When designing new facilities, we are focused on the application of renewable energy sources and a neutral impact on the environment. With its privatization, Galenika became part of the Brazilian NC Group and represents a very important investment in Europe, a company with great potential. The implementation of the global corporate policy of the Group, the improvement of energy efficiency and investments in the latest technology contribute to the constant development and further strengthening of Galenika’s position in Serbia and in the region. “, said Ricardo Vian Marques, General Manager of Galenika.

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