Generali Insurance Serbia in partnership with the Foundation Novak Djokovic helps parents in the early development of children

Generali Serbia and the Foundation Novak Djokovic organized a workshop within the “Support, not perfection” program implemented by the Foundation, thus formalizing the start of a partnership on a project to support parents, caregivers and foster parents in the early development of children. This is another important step for the initiative of The Human Safety Net in Serbia, which Generali Group launched around the world two years ago. At the workshop, their dilemmas when talking about bringing up children with their parents were shared by the best tennis player Novak Djokovic and the global director of the Novak Djokovic Foundation, Jelena Djokovic.

The aim of the partnership is to create better opportunities for life for children, enabling as many parents as possible throughout Serbia to attend Novak Djokovic Foundation Support, not perfection, as part of the Initiative of The Human Safety Net. The aim of the program is to provide parents, foster parents and guardians of children up to six years of age with the knowledge, skills and support in carrying out the most difficult and important work, the development of children’s potential. The program consists of ten workshops dealing with various topics related to child rearing: building a constructive relationship with children, responding to anger attacks, effectively demanding, establishing an effective reward system, characterizing good, logical consequences of child behavior, setting the time for positive attention and others.

Generali Insurance Serbia joined the The Human Safety Net movement last year and chose to implement a family program that promotes the right of all children to equal life chances. The family program should encourage parents to help their children to free up their potential in the period from birth to the sixth year in order to have equal chances in life as other children.

Speaking of The Human Safety Net initiative, Dragan Filipovic, President of the Executive Board and CEO of Generali Insurance Serbia, said: “The Human Safety Net is a Generali Group movement that aims to create chances for a better life. Programs launched within it cover various social problems, but they have the same purpose: stimulating human potential by stimulating people to help people. ”

On cooperation with the Novak Djokovic Foundation, Filipovic said: “I am happy and proud that in Serbia we have found a partner with the same goal in implementing the program. The Novak Đoković Foundation, with its project “Support, not perfection”, advocates for the same values ​​and successfully helps parents to provide their children with better chances in life. I am very glad that Novak and Jelena Djokovic, together with their foundation, recognized the importance of our program and that we have the opportunity to contribute together to ensure that young generations in Serbia reach their full potential. ” Filipovic also added: “The activities we take together with Novak Djokovic Foundation and the energy we invest will help ensure a better future for children in Serbia. This initiative is not an addition to our day-to-day business of insurers, but is embedded in our values ​​and DNA of our company. Each of us is part of some human security network, so this project is our long-term commitment. ”

“For the first time I had the opportunity to participate actively in this kind of workshop, and share my experiences with other parents and I really enjoyed it. I managed to learn many lessons in relation to my children and actually see how much I still need to learn and be an open mind, and such gatherings help me develop my skills as a parent, “said Novak Djokovic, adding:” We naturally have parental instinct and we know best how we will with our children, but there is no universal instruction that can be applied to every child. That’s why a conversation with professionals who are dedicated to their business to make them as parents progressed is valuable. ”

The “Not Perfection Support” program is completely free. So far, 800 parents and guardians of children under six years of age from 12 municipalities throughout Serbia passed through the work shops.

“All of us who are in the role of Mama or Daddy need help. I believe that most of us think that our role is to enable our children to be better than us and not to experience the problems that we have, but that’s not the case. Such programs help us to realize that the biggest task of parents is to love and empower them, “said Jelena Djokovic, adding:” We plan to encompass as many families as possible, and with the General we can expand that number, which gives us a great wind in the back . There are more and more partners who recognize how important the project is for the benefit of the whole nation, and why they want to join us, “she concluded.

According to Maja Kremic, national director of the Novak Djokovic Foundation, the project “Support, not perfection” is being implemented for two and a half years in cooperation with experts from Harvard University, as well as with the best pedagogues from Serbia.

“Our goal is to send a message to all parents how important support is and that they do not have the desire to be perfect, because they only hinder them from enjoying their role. The final result is that we have a happy child, and therefore a happy parent and a happy family, “she explained.

The Human Safety Net is inspired by the idea of a help line, where those who are helped today can help one day. Thus, a wave of positive changes is spreading.

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