Greek sugar factory sweetened up International Migrants Day in Reception center in Vranje

According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees statistics, more than 51 per cent of the migrants are minors. There are more than 4000 migrants in Serbian reception centers and the majority are children. Serbia has successfully expressed humanity at work and its good organizational structure, not only today when we acknowledge International Migrants Day but also on every day basis showing care and respect for the migrants. Government of Serbia does not differ migrant children from our own and it gradually includes them into our educational system, cultural and sports activities, constantly improving care and living conditions.

Recognizing the efforts of the Serbian Government , Hellenic Sugar company has decided to contribute within its capabilities, celebrating  Company`s 15th Anniversary in Serbia and 105th Anniversary of the oldest sugar factory in Serbia. As a socially responsible company which cares for the children of its employees Hellenic Sugar has, again this year, provided free New Year gifts for pre school children in Crvenka and the children with disabilities in Zabalj.

The company has recognized the effort of Serbian Government and decided to start a humanitarian action for migrant children entitled `A cube for a smile`. The campaign was launched in cooperation with The Globe Magazine and under the auspices of Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, Lebanese Embassy in Belgrade and Belgrade National Theatre.

On the occasion of International Migrants Day on 18th December  Dr Hristos Aleksopulos as a representative of Hellenic Sugar company and Mirela Krainovic the editor of The Globe magazine accompanied by the Mayor of Pcinja District, Srecko Pejkovic, MP Slavisa Bulatovic, Deputy Mayor of Vranje, Nenad Antic, as well as the member of City Council for Health and Child Care Miroljub Stankovic have visited Reception center in Vranje and shared New Year gifts to migrant children.

`Today, despite very low temperature, we have succeeded to warm the  hearts of migrant children, it is a pleasure to have brought  not one but many smiles which filled our hearts with happiness. Recognizable solidarity of our people, organizations and The Government  as well as the individuals should encourage others to get involved and help in order to ensure better conditions for a dignified stay of the immigrants, especially children, because together we can do better`, said Dr Hristos Aleksopulos PR for Hellenic Sugar.

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