Heineken Serbia and AMSS Extend Successful Partnership

The messages of the campaign “KAD IDE TURA, NE IDE GAS” contributed to the spread of awareness about the responsible consumption of alcohol among more than a million drivers

After last year’s successful results, the HEINEKEN Serbia company and the Serbian Automobile Association (AMSS) signed an agreement on the continuation of the partnership today. And this year, the goal of the joint campaign “KAD IDE TURA, NE IDE GAS” is to continue raising awareness among drivers throughout our country about conscientious behaviour and responsible alcohol consumption. The well-known Serbian motorist and the youngest champion of Europe on mountain trails, Nikola Miljković, who supported this year’s campaign, will also be its face, the partners announced.

Signing the agreement, Neda Đokić, general manager of the HEINEKEN Serbia, stated that the campaign “KAD IDE TURA, NE IDE GAS” is the first and unique partnership between the leaders of the beer industry and the national association of drivers.

We are proud that for the second year in a row we are continuing our cooperation with our partner, the Auto-moto Association of Serbia. We are united by the same mission and common goal – greater safety in traffic and the intention to contribute to the spread of awareness of the importance of responsible consumption among every driver in our country with the campaign “WHEN TOURING GOES, GAS DOESN’T GO”. Our campaign messages in the first year of the partnership reached more than one million drivers. This gives us an incentive and additional motivation to raise the bar this year and influence the responsibility of twice as many road users. Our ambition is to reach every one of the over three million drivers in Serbia in the coming year and thereby increase awareness and the level of responsibility in traffic,” Đokić said.

Beer is a natural product enjoyed by hundreds of millions of people around the world, but only responsible consumption of this beverage can be part of a balanced lifestyle. This is precisely why HEINEKEN Serbia has been undertaking numerous activities to raise the awareness of its consumers and all beer lovers about this extremely important topic.

In the coming period, messages about responsible consumption will be conveyed to the general public through various communication channels and exclusive video content, and especially interesting will be innovative activations in driving schools throughout Serbia as well as AMSS and “AMS Osiguranje” a.d.o. branches for which the safety of all road users is a business priority.

The General Secretary of AMSS, Milan Nikolić, expressed satisfaction with the results of last year’s campaign, the fact that it is becoming a tradition, and called on all traffic participants to respect traffic regulations and to be responsible towards themselves and others.

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