Hemofarm is the finalist of the global competition “Ideas4action”

Hemofarm is the only company from Serbia and one of the few in South East Europe that participates in the final of the global competition of sustainable development projects “Ideas4action”.

At the competition organised by the World Bank and Wharton Business School from Pennsylvania University, Hemofarm reported 20 projects of young professionals working in the company. Thanks to such a high nomination of Hemofarm in the global competition, Serbia has found itself on the world map of sustainable development. The World Bank and the prestigious American Wharton business school through Ideas4action encourage students and young professionals from around the world to initiate projects that will make the planet a sustainable and better place to live. These are projects such as the introduction of an e-mail secretary (a centralised electronic database that saves time and saves the environment), applying a new concept of cleaning equipment without stopping production, improving the quality control system that reduces overtime and increases efficiency, as well as other initiatives that improve the situation in the field of health, ecology, education, etc.

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