Hendrik G. C. van der Dool: Not having much, but using it well

At the conference Energy Perspectives and Challenges dedicated to the Energy Stability, held on Friday 11th March 2016 in Master Centre of Novi Sad Fair, Hendrik G. C. van der Dool, the Dutch Ambassador to Serbia, emphasised that the Netherlands is the 15th economy in the world althought there is not a lot of resources in the Netherlands, but they are rather well used, including water and wind.

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Any successful economic story consists precisely of good use and sustainable use. Energy is always subject to turbulence and geopolitical risks and the negative impact that we have to get used to it and be prepared to live with it. The ambassador also praised the Serbian government for the introduction of legislation in the energy sector and its implementation. The Netherlands has helped building a centre for biomass in Banat, which represents a shift towards a greener and more sustainable technologies. He pointed that the Chapter 27 is particularly complicated, but will fulfill his considerable assistance to Serbia that the clean technology and more stability and higher living standard.

See the full speech at:


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