Is Serbia ready to go a step further in the development of biogas sector?

The adoption of new incentives for the production of electricity from renewable sources in June 2016 created a good framework for rapid development of new biogas plant in Serbia. These measures will be in force until the end of 2018 – it has been concluded today at the conference on the sustainable development of biogas sector in Serbia.

Professional meeting organised by the Serbian Biogas Association, the Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia and Serbian-German programme of development cooperation implemented by GIZ “Development of sustainable bioenergy market in Serbia” brought together representatives of biogas associations from Serbia and Germany. Minister of Mining and Energy, Aleksandar Antić, said that the topic of renewable energy sources is of great importance for Serbia. The National Action Plan for Renewable Energy of the Republic of Serbia predicts that by 2020 it is necessary to build 30 megawatts of new capacity for the production of electricity using biogas in order to achieve the objective of 27% of electricity production from renewable energy sources (RES). Germany has the longest tradition in the biogas sector. Germany leads the world in the field of biogas, where there are over 9000 biogas plants with over 4,500 MW of total installed capacity.

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