Italian help for Serbia

Italian companies in Serbia, members of Confindustria, the Italian business association in Serbia, help local communities, institutions and citizens of Serbia during the pandemic through donations and humanitarian initiatives

Italian companies, members of Confindustria Serbia, continue to operate responsibly even more in times of the coronavirus pandemic by implementing numerous measures of support to the health system of the Republic of Serbia, its institutions, businesses and directly to the citizens. In this way, the Italian companies further prove thier stong connection to Serbia and to the territory where they operate.

Guided by this mission and goals, on Tuesday, April 14, the Italian company La Linea Verde (Dobrinci, municipality of Ruma), donated 8 tonnes of its products: ready-to-use packed salads. The value of this donation is 5 million dinars aproximately. According to the director of the company, Simone Apolloni, this initiative, realized in collaboration with the Provincial Secretariat for Social Policy, implies the delivery of salad to the Clinical Center of Vojvodina as well as to 20 student and volunteer centers in Vojvodina that will prepare food packages for retirees and vulnerable citizens.

Italian companies operating in the textile sector in Serbia have also demonstrated in the previous period their responsibility towards the community: These companies decided to dedicate a part of their production capacity to the the production of non-medical protective masks. From Subotica to Niš, via Valjevo to Kikinda, Italian companies have so far produced and donated tens of thousands of protective masks to municipalities, police departments, citizens, as well for the needs of employees of local companies. Aunde donated protective masks to the member companies of Confindustria Serbia, and Olimpias Knitting prepared specially designed protective masks for the Confindustria’s executive team in Serbia.

More about Confindustria members donations so far:

UniCredit Bank Serbia, one of 170 Confindustria’s members, donated 50.000 euros, in dinar countervalue, to National Health Insurance Fund as a support in fight against epidemic disease COVID-19.

Nelt Co Serbia has donated 240.000 euros to National Health Insurance Fund for the purchase of 10 respirators to combat the most difficult cases of Covid 19. One of NELT’s companies, Neoplanta Novi Sad, donated 6.000.000 dinars worth of products for the most vulnerable senior groups in Belgrade.

DDOR osiguranje, long-time partner of Confindustria, donated a total of 11 million dinars to help national and provincial institutions, as well as the City of Novi Sad as support in the fight against Covide-19.

For the needs of the Institute of Maternal and Child care “Dr Vukan Čupić”, Transfera company donated protective masks and other necessary materials and equipment, while Lanzi Group donated 1,000 waterproof medical coats to the Mauriziano Hospital in Turin.

Generali Osiguranje Serbia, one of the leading insurance companies and Confindustria’s member, wishing to further protect its clients during these extraordinary times, decided to expand coverage to include COVID-19 infection free of charge for clients who own a SME insurance policy and to life insurance clients. This company demonstrated its solidarity and desire to help Serbian citizens by donating funds for the procurement of respirators, corona virus tests, reagents and other necessary medical equipment during the pandemic.

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