IWC organized the 17th Charity Bazaar

In the organization of the International Women’s Club, in the Hall 2 of the Belgrade Fair, the 17th Charity Bazaar was held in 2018.

This year, under the slogan “Imagine what we can do together”, this traditional manifestation celebrated the spirit of communion and the most beautiful principles of donation.

Like all previous ones, many members of the diplomatic community in Serbia, in cooperation with other diverse organizations operating in Serbia, have also contributed greatly to the Charity Bazaar as a humanitarian event, the ultimate goal of which is the collection of funds that the International Women’s Club, through its Humanitarian Fund, refer to organizations and projects in the area of ​​civil society in Serbia, which are most needed by such support.

At the stands of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Austria, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belarus, Brazil, China, the United States of America, Egypt, Kuwait and the United Emirates, and many other European, African and Asian countries, products characteristic for each participating country.

The youngest visitors were entertained in the Children’s Corner, a safe area that was specially organized for them.
One of the characteristics of the Bazar is the lottery. This year the award fund was rich and diverse. Many countries have made their contribution to the Charity Bazaar through the gifts that they dedicate to the lottery. This year’s most valuable lottery award was made possible by Austria – three full boardings for a four-member family at a children’s hotel in Austria.

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