Juan Sánchez Monroe, Former Ambassador of Cuba in Belgrade, Passed Away

Juan Sanchez Monroe, former ambassador of Cuba in Belgrade, passed away at the Dedinje Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases

Juan Sanchez Monroe was the ambassador of Cuba in Belgrade from 2001 to 2006.

As a proven friend of our country and a prominent expert in international relations, he was in Serbia to participate in the events marking the twenty-fifth anniversary of the NATO aggression against FR Yugoslavia, which friendly Cuba and its then president Fidel Castro strongly condemned.

Prof. Dr. Juan Sánchez Monroe received his doctorate in historical sciences from the Lomonosov University in Moscow, and had extensive diplomatic experience. He represented his country in many European countries, mostly in Russia, Serbia and Montenegro and Poland.

In addition to diplomacy, he taught at the High Cuban Institute for International Relations “Raul Roa García” in Havana, and was also a member of the United Nations Association, the Association for International Law, as well as many other organizations of a scientific and research nature.

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