Junior Hotel Awarded

At the traditional annual Christmas breakfast ceremony organized by the Regional Chamber of Commerce Kruševac, Hotel Junior was presented with the award for Contribute to the development of tourism. JUNIOR was established in 1990.

It was built and managed under the supervision of state authorities as a public company. 2006 was privatized by Greek companies. From 2006, more than 10,000,000 euros of Greek capital, has been invested in the reconstruction of the hotel, as well as in the reconstruction and new facilities in area of 8ha. Capital, invested in adequate facilities, as well as adequate, trained manpower, has lead the hotel to excellent occupancy and it became recognizable as one of the best, if not even the best, destinations for sports preparations and camps in Serbia Junior is also one of the favorite destination for family holidays with numerous activities for all ages. Junior is not just a hotel, Junior is a destination!

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