Kamal Ahuja, Deputy Director – European Operations TAFE and Managing Director IMT: Dawn of a New Era

We should expect that the Covid-19 crisis will change our businesses and society in important ways.

The covid-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges in operational day-to-day activities of enterprises and it is therefore important that relevant government agencies understand these challenges in detail, in order for them to adopt appropriate and effective policies and measures.

What are the consequences of the pandemic corona virus (COVID-19) in the business sphere?

The “business sphere” is ultimately made up of people – be it employees, clients, shareholders, lenders, et al. And everyone has been affected. There has been an abrupt and dramatic shift in peoples’ lives, globally, in so many realms, that touch on businesses directly as well as tangentially. Unlike numerous previous crisis, that were caused by supply-side issues, economic imbalances, etc. this is very different – it is affecting everyone, everywhere. Having said that, we are already seeing some important and innovative solutions – very much 21st century solutions – emerging to dealing with the business challenges of this crisis. And many of these solutions will be firmly rooted, embraced and adopted after we, collectively, emerge at the other side of this global crisis. And there clearly will be a collective socio-political-business opportunity to reset many old and outdated ways, for a brighter, more sustainable and more equitable future.

Your pace of life entailed extensive travelling, now, you manage a substantial number of employees from your home office? To what extent do digital platforms enable this?

The reality of the unprecedented covid-19 pandemic has inevitably forced me to think outside of the box so to speak, however I have learned that out of limitations comes creativity. The value of digital channels, products and operations is immediately obvious not only to our company but to all companies everywhere right now. Businesses that can shift technology capacity and investments to digital platforms will mitigate the impact of the outbreak and keep their companies running smoothly now, and over the long term. Organizations that have web enabled their businesses are in much better position to weather this pandemic, both in the short and long term.

What repercussions will the pandemic have in the business realm, once this situation is overcome?

The world will be a different place. A new dawn and a new era will emerge. We should expect that the Covid-19 crisis will change our businesses and society in important ways. It is likely to fuel areas like online shopping, online education, and public health investments, for example. It is also likely to change how companies configure their supply chains and reinforce the trend away from dependence on few mega-factories. When the urgent part of the crisis has been navigated, companies should consider what this crisis changes and what they’ve learned so they can reflect them in their plans. I am also hopeful that this crisis will focus minds on sustainability, the environmental impact of businesses, and the responsibilities of business community and stakeholders to make our planet a more liveable and mindful one.

What is the best way to organize one’s time during this period and to maintain good mental health and social habitus?

According to an article I had read recently read, Newton discovered Gravity and Shakespeare wrote King Lear when both were in self isolation to avoid the plague. Make sure your quarantine doesn’t go to waste.

In a crisis like this, burnout can emerge because of something different – what experts call ‘decision fatigue’. With news changing all the time, information is constant: whether it’s about the pandemic itself, whether it’s about things you should be doing, schedules for your kids, how to work best from home, it’s just a lot of information. The problem is that many of our usual coping mechanisms have disappeared – think going to the gym or taking an art class – and trying to fit in a new one might actually exacerbate burnout. It really needs to be very individualised, and there’s not necessarily a right or wrong. A big part of staving off pandemic-induced burnout is that the activity shouldn’t feel exhausting.

Has the state offered you support since the covid-19 pandemic began? 

We are regularly in touch with various government ministries in all the countries where we have a presence. The covid-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges in operational day-to-day activities of enterprises and it is therefore important that relevant government agencies understand these challenges in detail, in order for them to adopt appropriate and effective policies and measures. The various government ministries and agencies, in our case the most relevant one being the Ministry of Agriculture, under the helm of Minister Branislav Nedimović, have been very responsive and supportive to our suggestions. Certainly, the first set of measures relating to tax relief through the deferred payment of tax arrears, as well as the second set of measures, involving direct financial aid to companies through payment of three minimum wages for each employee, is welcome and helpful. We are now working closely with them to ensure that the interests of farmers, dealers and that of our company are holistically catered to in a constructive manner.

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