When we create in a company a balance between private and business life and when we understand the needs of employees, we create an environment for work in which everyone will feel good and motivated.
About HR issues and TMS, ensuring the good quality of the service and about the Lean Six Sigma concept and The Lean Sigma Company CEE, we talked with Kruna Gavović, Marketing and Academy Director at TMS CEE and CEO at The Lean Six Sigma Company CEE.

How can TMS help organizations deal with HR issues in the best possible way?
TMS is the exclusive license holder for a highly advanced HR concept – Family Friendly Enterprise certification. Friendly Enterprise certificate implies implementation of HR policy in the field of sustainable business, which refers to the harmonization of private and professional-lifes of employees. Satisfied and loyal employees are the key to the growth and development of the company, and through this certificate this can be achieved. Absence due to extraordinary family reasons, flexible working hours, private health insurance, personal development training and award program, support for the fathers caring for a child or mothers returning to work after maternity leave, organized gatherings of employees, work from home, all these and many more are the benefits that Family Friendly Enterprise certification brings to the employees and their families in this challenging time. When we create in a company a balance between private and business life and when we understand the needs of employees, we create an environment for work in which everyone will feel good and motivated. Our clients say that employee’s satisfaction is their priority and they have been evaluating their satisfaction and motivation at work for a long time in order to respond to their needs and when they entered into the FFE certi1fication process they created phenomenal stories about business results and positive impact on society. In addition to 20 big organizations which already implemented this model, like Telekom Srbija, Merkator S, Generali Insurance, A1, Roaming Group, Apatinska Pivara, to mention just a few, there is growing interest from smaller organizations (10-50 employees) too. We are extremely proud to say that Family Friendly Enterprise is the best-known concept for achieving the work-life balance.
Properly trained staff cannot just deliver good service, but also they will be able to implement the standards and tools and to enable organizations to be resistant to the changes and challenge
How a company can ensure the good quality of the service?
There are several standardized ways – from generic standards like ISO 9001, ISO 10002, or others, to the advanced techniques as GSES and Lean Six Sigma. It is good to know that the good service almost always leads to better economic results. In the case of Lean Six Sigma it is also the imperative and only the verified financial effects are recognized. Of course, no standard can help if your staff is undertrained. We always recommend more training, especially because the fluctuation of the people today is higher than ever before. Properly trained staff cannot just deliver good service, but also they will be able to implement the standards and tools and to enable organizations to be resistant to the changes and challenges.
Can you tell us more about the Lean Six Sigma concept and The Lean Sigma Company also?
The Lean Six Sigma Company from Rotterdam developed itself into the leading global provider of Lean Six Sigma trainings. TLSSC is active in more than 25 countries across the globe and offers many Lean and Six Sigma courses in the native languages of each country. This year is very special for us, since we celebrate 20 years of the company and we are very proud to announce that. Our ambition is to facilitate the organizations to excel in what they do and our focus is on knowledge transfer through trainings, workshops and coaching.
Lean Six Sigma is an established philosophy, an organizational and improvement structure as well as the set of tools. Using this perspective Lean Six Sigma addresses organizational issues with respect to competitiveness, cost reduction and customer satisfaction. Depending on company’s ambition Lean Six Sigma can be implemented in phases. Every organization is unique, without a common blueprint that universally applies. Together with you, The Lean Six Sigma Company will develop a plan of action tailored to your organization.