Laid wreaths at the French Military Cemetery in Belgrade

The 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War was marked by a ceremonial ceremony hosted by a military delegation of 19 members representing the regiments arising from the units that participated in the battles on the Thessaloniki front.

Today’s 4th Armored Regiment from Gap, 3rd Navy Infantry Regiment from Van, 1st side of Obion (Legion of Aliens), 1st Regiment of African Hunters from Kanjir, 1st Commander of the Spahichi from Valensa, 1st Regiment of Naval Infantry from Angulem and 93rd Pope of Alpine Artillery from Vars (4th Régiment de Chasseurs de Gap, 3E Regiment of the Infantry of the Marine de Vannes, only 1ER Etranger d’Aubagne, only 1ER Régiment de Chancellor d’Afrique de Canjuers, only 1ER Régiment de Spahis de Valence, the 1ER Regiment d’Infanterie de Marine d’Angoulème and the 93E Regiment d’Artillerie de Montagne de Varces) are direct successors of a famous military tradition and units that fought on these soldiers, with the Serbian army; Remembrance of this tradition is proud of.

In addition to the traditional laying of wreaths, the performance of the song “French Laughing French” (French French School in Belgrade), a minute of silence for French soldiers from the Thessaloniki front, as well as the speech of Ambassador Mondolonios, this year, the program was also a greeting to the flag of the Fourth Regiment of African Hunters and the French soldiers.

The ceremonies were attended by ambassadors from many countries, the mayor of the city of Belgrade, representatives of the French community, the presidency and the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans’ Affairs and Social Affairs, the City of Belgrade, the Army of the Republic of Serbia and Serbian offspring of old warriors.

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