Luxury, Innovation, Success: Adria Summit Returns for Third Year

Regional renowned leaders in e-commerce and entrepreneurship are gearing up for one of the most exciting events in the region – the Adria Summit. This exclusive conference, now in its third consecutive year, marks its presence at prestigious locations – the Kempinski Adriatic Hotel in Umag and the Kempinski Palace in Portorož

Photo: Marko Edge

Two days of inspiring discussions and interactive panels promise a deep analysis of the impact of the crisis in the IT industry in the USA on the regional market, while also celebrating the triumphs of companies that have managed to rise to challenges and expand their businesses worldwide.

After the conference concludes, participants will indulge in an exclusive VIP networking day, enriched with unforgettable experiences. From there, cycling, golf tournaments, and tennis matches serve as platforms for idea exchange and business connections, while tasting the finest Istrian specialties revives the senses. The gala dinner at the beautiful Kempinski Palace in Portorož caps off the day, with organizers preparing a big surprise for all conference participants.

Photo: Marko Edge

Adria Summit has become synonymous with idea exchange and building business relationships, attracting over 80 speakers and more than 400 visitors from 17 countries last year. Organizers Zoran Torbica and Dejan Tešić emphasize that this conference represents more than just an ordinary event – it is an opportunity to experience the pinnacle of luxury, innovation, and business success.

Zoran Torbica

Adria Summit is not just a conference; it’s a rendezvous with the future of technology, business, and innovation,” said Zoran Torbica. The program will feature expert panels, keynote speeches, and interactive workshops, providing visitors with the opportunity to be informed, inspired, and engaged in key conversations that will shape the future of the Adria region.

Dejan Tešić

Dejan Tešić highlights the key trends in digital commerce that will be the focus of discussions at the 2024 Adria Summit, including the role of artificial intelligence, hybrid commerce, AR/VR technology, and social commerce. “Digital commerce has exceeded 20% of global retail sales, compared to just 10% five years ago,” notes Tešić, adding that this will be one of the key themes of this year’s Adria Summit.

Be part of this exciting adventure. More information and registration are available at

See you at the Adria Summit 2024!


Photo: Marko Edge

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