Maja Gojković, Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia: It Is Important For Our Country’s Role To Be Heard

The year 2016 has posed a question to all of us, about the future of the EU itself, but also because of the horror of terrorism, the migrant crisis, economic challenges, and the growth of extremism, but Serbia remains dedicated to peace, stability and European integration, said Maja Gojković in her opening address

Gojković underlined that Serbia certainly cannot have a defining impact on relations at the global scale, but that it is important for the role of our country to be heard when it comes to the complex geopolitical conditions in the world.


“We are aware that in Serbia we cannot influence trends in the global arena, but today we can hear what role we have in all complex geopolitical developments. In 2017 the Government of the Republic of Serbia will continue to lead an active, designed and clearly defined foreign policy, with the aim of positioning Serbia even better in Europe and the world, at the regional and wider international level, and in that it will have the support of the Assembly.”

She stressed that it is important for Serbia to continue working next year on stability, because that is important for our country and the region. “For the Assembly it is important to talk about the challenges the world and Serbia are facing and will continue to face next year, and it is the right place to openly discuss that,” said Gojković, stressing the necessity for a common European response to all challenges. She pointed out that Europe and the world are facing major challenges, such as terrorism, the migrant crisis, economic challenges and the rise of extremism, and that the EU, as a pillar of political and economic stability, has also been shaken by Brexit. “All of this shows that modern problems require a serious and responsible approach and a common response from us all, and Serbia is determined to provide its contribution to the defence of the shared value of Europe and civilisation, ” said Gojković.

The Assembly Speaker also underlined that the opening of every subsequent EU Accession Negotiation Chapter is an important message to the citizens of Serbia, but also all countries of the Western Balkans, that the EU’s doors are not closed, which means the economic and political progress of the entire region. “In 2017 we will give our contribution to the continuation of the European integration process, as one of our foreign policy priorities,” said Gojković. She reiterated that Serbia is in favour of a common approach with partners in Europe and the world when it comes to overcoming the problem of “The World in 2017”.

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