Make your child’s future successful worldwide


International School is a primary and secondary school which will open doors for your child to enrol at the most prestigious universities worldwide and a place where he/she will be taught in accordance with international, respectable programmes – the Cambridge and IB programmes.

Characterised by a holistic and contemporary approach to teaching, an educational environment such as International School is an ideal environment for the development of your child, who is in his/her most intensive developmental stage from the beginning of primary school to the end of secondary school. That is when he/she needs stimulation and support in order for their personality to completely develop.

Interactive and innovative teaching in English for children aged 11-19

Unlike the traditional teaching model, where the student is most often merely a passive recipient who doesn’t question the information presented by the teacher, International School strives to encourage its students to develop critical consciousness, exchange opinions and ideas, debate and look for solutions together, develop their creativity, and reach their full potential.

Hence, classes at International School abound in workshops, presentations, public performances, students’ participation in numerous social and fundraising activities, international competitions, seminars, projects, and much more. International School creates reflective minds and people who can think critically from the very beginning of primary school, which means that the students are fully prepared for the academic challenges and requirements of international colleges.

In addition to the school being interactive and contemporary, instruction in English is yet another reason why enrolling your child in International School is the right choice. Considering that all classes, exams, and communication with teachers are in English, your child will have taken their English skills to the advanced level by the time they graduate from International School, which will be one of the most important aspects of their CV when they apply for university.

The most innovative technology in education

Did you know that International School students can easily be called digital natives? This is because classes at International School are supported by cutting-edge technology, which is part and parcel of contemporary education. It enables your child to grasp the curriculum in a different, easier, and more interesting manner. Not only does s/he realise his/her potential, but s/he also surpasses it.

In addition to the Intelligent Classroom which is used in place of traditional classrooms, various educational apps which facilitate students’ understanding of the subject matter, tablets instead of notebooks, interactive boards, 3D printing pens, 3D scanners that create digital reality, 3D printers, and interactive tables, there are many other features which make classes at International School interesting and relatable to the younger generations, its educational process useful and suitable for the 21st century, and its students prepared for future academic challenges.

Apart from this, International School is also famous for its Distance Learning platform, which allows students to attend classes and fulfil their responsibilities online, which is especially convenient for children who play sports or make art outside classes. Thus, the platform enables them to “come to school” regularly and be dedicated students while also having enough time for other activities.

Provide your child with the most prestigious international education

With their content, curricula, and set of activities, Cambridge and IB programmes stimulate children to develop fully and prepare them for future academic education. Having obtained a globally recognised diploma, which is highly regarded by the most reputable international educational institutions, students who graduate from International School are at an advantage in more than one way. Namely, they are awarded an internationally recognised diploma as a valid certificate of their competences and are prepared for academic challenges, i.e. acquainted with the criteria of study programmes around the world.

With a positive and healthy attitude towards personal development and their own progress, students of International School develop strong motivation to achieve success, which is what makes this school an ideal foundation for dealing with the academic obstacles of higher education and challenges in life in general.




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