Marian Marinov, Ad interim Country Manager of Nestlé Serbia and CFO of Nestlé South East Market: Successful business is based in responsibility and trust

Food has a big impact on our lives and this is why it is our job, as the world’s largest food and beverage company with over one billion servings sold each day, to produce safe, high quality and tasty food.

We in Nestlé strongly believe in the power of food to enhance life of people and their families. As the world’s leader in Food and Beverage industry, with the best experts from the fields of nutrition and food safety, Nestlé constantly offers best choices for healthy and balanced nutrition, in sustainable way.

Marian Marinov, Ad interim Country Manager of Nestlé Serbia and CFO of Nestlé South East Market

Nestlé as the Switzerland based multinational company is doing business in responsible and sustainable way in regard to individuals and families, local communities, but also to the entire planet. Tell us more about this.

For years Switzerland is among the top ranked countries when it comes to innovation, not only in production but also in the areas of sustainable business and corporate social responsibility. Food has a big impact on our lives and this is why it is our job, as the world’s largest food and beverage company with over one billion servings sold each day, to produce safe, high quality and tasty food. We are not only producing, we believe that the understanding of how to eat well is very important and it is our responsibility to educate people to have a good balance in their nutrition. This is why we invested over 500.000 euros in education of about 50.000 children in schools, on the importance of the proper nutrition and physical activity within „Zdravo Rastimo” project in last nine years. We strongly believe that developing good healthy habits now to kids – will assure healthier future for Serbia.

This year Nestlé celebrates 15 years of it’s business in Serbia. What are the most important achievements of the company since its arrival, and what are the plans for the next period?

We are more than proud to be a reliable partner to Serbia for 15 years already. Nestlé brought many new products and innovations to Serbia, but at the same time, we proudly embraced traditional „C“ brand, continued with production and improving it’s portfolio, especially Serbian people’s favourite and iconic Zacin C.

Nestlé Surcin factory started with production in 2011 and since then we invested more than 15 million euros in plant, equipment as well as in product development. In our factory, we produce products of brands C, Thomy, Maggi and Nestlé professional portfolio. With the investments, export expansion of its products is increased 5 times, to more than 40 countries worldwide where Nestlé operates. An investment of 2,3 million euros directly impacted on production increase of 3.500 tones, with the creation of 89 new product recipes, cooperation with additional new 45 local suppliers and making more than 30 new job opportunities in factory. With this investment, Surčin factory is not only serving 22 million consumers from the Adriatic region with high quality products, but it serves global consumers from markets such as Western Europe, the Russian Federation, South America and Asian countries. Locally, Nestlé’s largest environmental investment in Serbia so far is € 1.2 million, for the construction of a modern wastewater treatment facility.

Dejan Maslinko, Sales manager of Nestlé Adriatic South, Tanja Zigic, Nestlé Surčin factory manager, HE Philippe Guex, Ambassador of Switzerland to Serbia, with his spouse, Marian Marinov, Ad interim Country Manager of Nestlé Serbia and CFO of Nestlé South East Market, and Nelly Angelova, Communication director Nestlé South East Market

What is your approach in terms of sustainability?

In Nestlé we like to believe that we borrowed this planet from our children, so environmental awareness has long been the focus of Nestlé’s business. The goal set by Nestlé – to use materials and resources repeatedly, on a mission to reach „Zero waste to landfill” goal at the Surcin factory – was achieved in December last year. This means that nothing come out of the factory as waste, but all waste material is being recycled or used to produce new energy. We want to help grow up healthier generations and do everything we can to save the planet for our children. It is our duty, as the world’s largest food company, to be responsible for the environment and our inheritors.

„In Nestlé we like to believe that we borrowed this planet from our children, so environmental awareness has long been the focus of Nestlé’s business“

What measures did you take during the COVID-19 pandemic?

As the people are the heart of our business, we were working hard to keep safe our employees, business partners and the community where we operate, during the coronavirus outbreak. In addition to our regular high work standards, we have put in place additional safety measures in our factory in Surcin, offices and distribution centers. All conditions were immediately established in order our employees can work safely from their homes, and that our colleagues on the field have all the necessary protective equipment and stay safe and healthy. Also, we are very grateful for such a fast and successful reaction of our supply chain, distribution, as well as of our retail partners, which lead us to ensuring continued production and products’ delivery to all our consumers during the pandemic.

Also, we immediately reacted to crisis and donated Nestlé products to numerous hospitals and vulnerable citizens, as well as the very necessary infusion pumps to Clinical Center of Serbia. On this occasion, I would like to thank again all the doctors and medical workers who are our true heroes.

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