Marko Marković, Partner at Egzakta Advisory & Operations and Performance Management Professor at MBA Rome Business School Belgrade: Huge plans for the future

We are working on several executive development programmes that we will present to the public and potential partners and students.

The Rome Business School (RBS) in Belgrade is on a mission to bridge the gap between formal academic knowledge and business reality. We interviewed Marko Marković, Partner at Egzakta Advisory & Operations and Performance Management Professor at MBA Rome Business School Belgrade for the IN Focus Italy edition.

RBS is an international business school based in Belgrade and an associate member of the Rome Business School in Rome. How much do the links with Rome enhance training sessions, classes and specialized education that you do?

The Rome Business School Belgrade is an international business school based in Belgrade, an affiliate of Rome Business School from Italy and Universidad International de Valencia. The idea of the group of professionals gathered around the RBS Belgrade was to develop a centre of excellence dedicated to education, exchange of knowledge and experiences for a diverse range of professionals, managers, executives, entrepreneurs, etc. The results so far show that we are on the right track and found the secret formula for how to adapt international know-how and experience to the local environment.

In April, you launched a scholarship competition for the executive MBA programme. Are you going to launch such a competition annually in the future?

In fact, we have already launched two scholarship competitions in Belgrade, so far. As an institution with a strong corporate social responsibility, through this kind of activity, RBS Belgrade tries to give all potential candidates a chance to improve their knowledge and develop new managerial skills.

Executive MBA programmes are known to develop leadership and business skills.

For sure, as a CSR-focused organization, we will continue to realize similar kinds of projects and activities to promote education and further personal development for ambitious individuals. Since our idea is to build high-quality, professional, and strong regional schools with executive development programmes, you can expect similar initiatives in all Adria regions.

What are the benefits of an MBA degree for an individual and a company?

Executive MBA programmes are known to develop leadership and business skills. They are a very complex education system created for the people who already have enough knowledge and work experience but want to improve their skills and learn more about company management. EMBA Modules are carefully designed to develop future leaders through cutting-edge management tools from world-renowned professors and international executives. Working on case studies, students develop insights into the strategic perspectives of all business functions and the “big picture” of all companies’ objectives. It is a well-known fact that most MBA students advance faster in their careers. In other words, Executive MBA graduates are more likely to get higher salaries and boost their earning potential, as well as occupy higher positions of management or start their own companies. One of the most valuable assets of the Executive MBA programme is its networking between the participants, and acquisition of knowledge and insight. All students bring tremendous value to each other.

On the other hand, supporting their employee’s education, such as Executive MBA, is one of the best investments for every company. Through the EMBA Programme, the employees will develop advanced skills and gain new insights that will immediately upgrade their competencies. Employers will be rewarded with highly motivated talents that develop strategic thinking, leadership capabilities, and valuable insights into innovative approaches and global trends.

You continuously invest in education and learning, the quality of your school and its professors and you have internationally recognized double degrees. Could you explain this process?

The quality of any MBA school is very dependent on the professors and curriculum quality. During the professor selection process, we are looking for the right fit for every module. Our principle is that the professor would ideally come from top business schools in Italy and generally Europe, but also worldwide. The curriculum they prepare must be up to date, with real cases and industry examples. For some modules, we have selected professors coming from the industry or consultants with high experience in the field. Our students have to go through prework, class work, and final exams either individually or in groups which gives them more practical and business education than traditional academic. At the end of the studies, all students are rewarded with a dual diploma, Executive MBA, and also academic 60 ECTS Points that give them the opportunity to either continue their business or academic, i.e. to pursue doctorates.

After graduating from the Roma Business School Belgrade, what can a graduate expect? Do you help them in making that first step?

Our graduates can expect many business opportunities, a much broader view of the business environment, to have greater courage and self-confidence in the decision-making process, and maybe the most important thing – lifelong friendships. Of course, RBS Belgrade will always be there to help its students, both formally and informally.

The other huge advantage of our school is an orientation to real business needs.

Furthermore, the other huge advantage of our school is an orientation to real business needs with a mission to bridge the gap between formal academic knowledge and business reality. To give a student a real corporate experience and flavour of the real business environment, strategic guidelines, innovative approach, and content quality, RBS found a Corporate Advisory Board, which is composed of the most eminent experts from different industries.

What modules do you plan to offer in the future?

We are at the beginning and have huge plans for the future. We started with an Executive MBA (Master of Business Administration) programme after we noticed a strong need for a high-quality international MBA programme based in Belgrade, which is an educational, cultural, scientific, and financial hub not only in Serbia but also in southeast Europe. When we created our programme, based on the knowledge and practice of Rome Business School with a footprint in more than 20 countries all over the world, we also had in mind all the specific needs and expectations of the domestic business community.

Separately, with the further development of Executive MBA programs, we are working on several executive development programmes that we will present to the public, potential partners and students.

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