May, Month of Math in virtual space

From May 7 until June 1, Center for the Promotion of Science organizes the event May Month of Math (M3), supported by the Mathematical Institute of SASA (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts). This time, due to well-known pandemic circumstances, the event will be organized virtually, on the Internet site and through CPN social media.

The main topic of the event is Math in Motion, aimed to rethink our perception of motion, especially in this specific context of the house isolation. Through M3, the virtual visitors will be able to research the world of mathematics through senses, moving and motion while the real world is currently being limited in interactions.

Instead of public places, the visitors will have the opportunity to visit our workshops, lectures and exhibitions virtually.

On May 12, on the International Women in Mathematics Day, audience will be able to join online meeting with the female mathematicians at Science café, at 6 p.m., and repeat this event with more female math masters on May 26.

On May 13, will be presented Secrets of the Surface, movie about the first woman who won Fields Medal, Maryam Mirzakhani. (, Everyone will be allowed free access through registration at the link:

This year’s program will connect math and dance, classroom and TikTok. It will be possible for all visitors to dance some of math formulas!

For more information please visit the following link:

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