Meeting of Ivica Dacic, Minister of Foreign Affairs and a group of francophone ambassadors in Serbia

Ivica Dacic, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and Minister of Foreign Affairs received on Thursday, November 8, 2018, the Group of Francophone Ambassadors in Serbia, established in June 2018, with the aim of supporting Serbia in its efforts to join the international family of French-speaking countries . Ivica Dačić presented the Government of Serbia at the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the International Organization of Francofonies held in Yerevan, Armenia, in October 2018. The meeting was organized only a few weeks after Serbia, with the unanimous agreement of 54 countries and the government of full-fledged members of the organization, achieved this goal and gained the status of an associate member of the International Organization of Francofonia.

Mohammed Amin BELHAJ, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco and the President of the Group of Francophonie Ambassadors – on behalf of the 16 diplomatic missions that attended the meeting, congratulated the Government of Serbia on the status of Associate Member of Francophony, by which the International Organization of Francophone gave recognition not only to the political commitment of the Government Serbia, as well as the excellent presentation of this commitment to the cultural and educational, as well as economic, political and global goals that Francofonia encompasses. First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dačić, stressed that this recognition additionally encouraged Serbia’s dedication to Francofonia and the commitment of the Government of Serbia to the values ​​of multilateralism promoted by Francofonia. He also pointed out that Serbia has 17.5% of its foreign trade with the countries of Francophone (or EUR 6 billion of foreign trade per annum).

A group of Francophone ambassadors invited Serbia to continue its engagement in promoting French as a second language or as the language of bilingual francophone teaching within the education system, as well as to support new partnerships with French-speaking universities and scientific institutions. The group also expressed its willingness to support the efforts of Serbian diplomacy and public administration to better promote the learning and knowledge of the French language among diplomats and civil servants working on European integration of Serbia. Learning the French language, which is the working language of the European Union and the United Nations, is an instrument that contributes to the acceleration of European integration of Serbia and the strengthening of bilateral and multilateral partnerships.

At the end of the talks, the Minister emphasized the very good bilateral relations that Serbia has with the countries of Francophone.

The group of francophone ambassadors discussed with the first Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dacic, about the forthcoming month of Francofonia (March 2019), which could be a great opportunity to communicate throughout Serbia on the opportunities and perspectives that Francofonia offers and opens, young people in Serbia.

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