Montenomaks’ integrated logistics service combines international transport, customs clearance, warehousing, handling of goods and distribution to the end user
Montenomaks Control & Logistics is the leader in the Montenegrin market when it comes to providing integrated logistics services. According to the Solvent Rating Company from Montenegro, and based on the analysis of the past three years, Montenomaks has once again met the most important criteria in the field of success and solvency, proving to be the most stable, reliable and highly recommended partner, in domestic and foreign markets equally. As a result, Montenomaks was awarded the Gold Certificate of Business Excellence, which represents the highest level of success of a company, rated for three years in a row.
Nelt Group reacted promptly at the very beginning of the pandemic. All member companies, including the leading domestic distributor Neregelia and logistics provider Montenomaks, adopted the Business Continuity Plan, said Milenko Popović, CEO of Montenomaks C&L, with whom we discussed successes and challenges during the coronavirus pandemic.

Montenomaks has many years of experience and a good reputation in the field of logistics. Therefore, we had to ask you, as a market leader in Montenegro, how the coronavirus pandemic affected your business? What were your results at the end of the year?
— The previous year went by very quickly. It brought a lot of challenges and unknowns, however, in spite of everything, it was a success. The pandemic has taught us that the future is unpredictable, but that we must be ready for new challenges and continuously work on improving the company and its processes, as well as on developing our employees, partners and the entire community.
At the very beginning of the pandemic, Nelt Group, which also includes Neregelia and Montenomaks, reacted promptly and adopted the Business Continuity Plan, in order to continue operating in changed conditions and enable our partners and clients to supply the market efficiently and uninterruptedly. We focused our attention on the safety and health of our employees who, with their responsible behavior and, I can freely say, courage, have contributed to our business, responding to all tasks in the new circumstances. It is our employees who deserve the most credit for the achieved results which, even in such a challenging year, were on the satisfying level.
Together with Neregelia, we provide support to our community in these challenging times and, as Nelt Group in Montenegro, we donated 20,000 EUR to the National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases.
Montenomaks exists for 20 years now. It was awarded the Gold Certificate of Business Excellence. Which of your services, qualities and operating models, have distincted you among the business community, and contributed to your lasting and successful business?
— Montenomaks’ integrated logistics service combines international transport, customs clearance, warehousing, handling of goods and distribution to the end user. This means that manufacturers and brand representatives on the Montenegrin market can rely on us in taking the complete care of their products, import and export, customs procedures, storage, processing, packaging adjustments including labeling and co-packing, as well as delivery to end users.
In order to respond better to consumers’ requests, we also provide courier services, so-called last-mile delivery, on the entire terrritory of Montenegro.
The analysis conducted by independent company Solvent Rating from Montenegro for 2017, 2018 and 2019 shows that for three years in a row, our company has been meeting the most important criteria in the field of success and solvency, thus proving itself as a stable, reliable and highly recommended business partner in the domestic and foreign markets. Statistical models were built on the basis of financial indicators (indebtedness, liquidity, efficiency and effectiveness) and on the basis of adverse events (bankruptcy, liquidation, blockade) in the observed period, and have brought us the prestigious Gold Certificate of Excellence in 2020.
Montenomaks C&L has been a licensed representative of FedEx services on Montenegrin market, and since 2019 we became the official provider of TNT services
Your company is a licensed FedEx service representative and official provider of TNT services in Montenegro. What does this mean for your customers? How does this contribute to the services you offer them?
— Montenomaks C&L has been a licensed representative of FedEx services in Montenegrin market, and in 2019 we became the official provider of TNT services in our country. By uniting FedEx and TNT companies, Montenomaks C&L provided their customers with access to the combined network of services, in more than 220 countries worldwide, giving them greater opportunities than ever before.
Among other benefits, our customers now have Express and Economy service in one place, shipping by air at very reasonable prices, and equally efficient road service. I would also like to point out the favorable economic tariffs for the United States of America, China, as well as towards Europe, and representation in customs procedures in countries of the European Union and abroad. We digitalized and simplified the entire shipment procedure with the help of FedEx Ship Manager ™ Lite and my TNT applications.
Through our cooperation with global leaders in the field of logistics services we brought international standards and contributed to development of this area of business in Montenegro, and the key difference we made was that we have once again proved that our logistics services know no borders, only time zones.
Complex logistics processes are the present and the future of our company, not only in Montenegro, but in all markets of the Western Balkans where Nelt Group is present
You have a large number of employees and you are a very successful company. What are the principles that guide your HR department? How do they contribute to employee satisfaction and development?
— All the companies that successfully overcame the crisis from the previous year relied primarily on their employees. I am especially proud of our HR team within the Group, and the team spirit that is nurtured in our company. Our systematic approach to personnel policy has enabled the advancement and development of all our employees, so today, in most management positions are people who started their first job in Neregelija or another company in the Nelt system, in Montenegro, the region or beyond.
In order to better prepare for all the challenges and respond to the requirements of our clients, all our employees attend internal training that are specially developed for our needs, but they also attend tailormade internal trainings, as well as the international programs organized in cooperation with our partners. Opportunities to work in other locations, even in Africa, where Nelt Group operates in three markets, are a great motivation for all our employees looking for new career challenge.
After a year full of challenges, how is your business doing this year and what are your further plans?
— With good road infrastructure, with the potentials of ports, airports and the railway, I believe that Montenegro can also be a significant logistics hub in the West Balkans. That is precisely why we carefully follow the market trends, habits and needs of consumers, and we adapt to them. With the intensive digitalization of business, new information systems and by connecting with clients and government institutions, we are ready to face new challenges.
We want to continue providing top logistics services according to modern business standards. Through investments, we will provide existing and new clients with even more efficient
services that will enable them to conduct better business operations. Complex logistics processes are the present and the future of our company, not only in Montenegro, but in all markets of the Western Balkans where Nelt Group is present.