Minister of Labor Zoran Djordjevic visited HEINEKEN Serbia brewery in Novi Sad

Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs Zoran Djordjevic and the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, H.E. Henk van den Dool, visited the HEINEKEN brewery in Novi Sad on the occasion of the International Day of Safety and Health at Work.

The CEO of HEIENKEN in Serbia, Nikos Zois, welcomed the officials.

“The Government of the Republic of Serbia has declared this year as the Year of Safety and Health at Work, on the initiative of the department I manage, precisely emphasizing the importance of safe work. Every worker must return to his / her family at the end of the working day. To this end, the state and the employer are obliged to provide citizens with better working conditions, protection and safety at work, “the minister said.

The Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is convinced that the health and safety of employees is the cornerstone of a successful and sustainable business:

“By his example, HEINEKEN shows that the company is committed to sustainable business that has a positive impact on employees, their families and the local community of which it is a part.”

Zois pointed out that safety of employees is a company’s priority.

“Our ultimate goal is simple: work environment without any accidents! We are proud of the result of more than 600 days without any injuries at work in our brewery in Novi Sad. We will continue investing in health and safety, and we will invest our resources and efforts to be an example of safe business, “Zois said.

In accordance with the standard security procedures, the minister, the mayor and ambassador, looked at the video “Life saving rules” that is mandatory for all HEINEKEN Brewers, after which they went through the production facility and had the opportunity to talk to employees and be convinced of the high standards of safety of this a global beer producer.

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