Mobile and electronic banking of the latest generation in NLB banka

NLB Bank has enabled its customers to use the most modern electronic and mobile banking platform.

The improved services of electronic and mobile banking of NLB Banka, created in accordance with the highest standards in the banking industry, offer very simple service to clients with numerous benefits. Users can, among other things, simply monitor the balance in their accounts, pay bills, manage debit and credit cards, have a credit and deposit check, execute exchange transactions at a more favorable rate and independently form permanent orders according to their needs and all at any time and from any place. Direct communication with the bank through all channels of communication is now just a click away from clients, as well as actual offers of products and services for which clients can submit a request or inquiry via electronic and mobile banking.

In addition to the improved electronic and mobile banking platforms, NLB Bank also offered Instant Transfer, a service that enables them to pay up to 300,000 dinars in real time, every day of the year, at any time of the day and night.

Branko Greganović, President of the Executive Board of NLB Banka Beograd

“The digitization process is the future that has already happened to us, and only institutions that understand that investing in digital communications is an imperative in their business can count on the satisfaction and confidence of their clients. First, electronically and then mobile banking has pushed counters and forms, and if we have in mind simpler and more comfortable digital services, with the increased security of their use, the fact that an increasing number of clients cooperate with their bank without entering the branch is not a surprise. And the introduction of instant payments, which Serbia has introduced among the first countries in Europe, is a big step towards even better customer experience, and at this point the banking system we knew just about ten years ago no longer exists. The accelerated process of digitization in all segments, especially in the domain of eGovernment, further contributes to the development of digital customer services. “

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