NENAD NEŠIĆ, Acting Director of PE Putevi Republike Srpske: We are Building Roads Equally, in All Parts of Srpska

Public enterprise Putevi Republike Srpske was formed by the Government of the Republic of Srpska with the aim of ensuring the continuous conduct of activities of special interest to the Republic of Srpska through efficient and transparent work, in accordance with the interests and needs of citizens, as well as ensuring the conditions for the continuous economic and social development of the Republic of Srpska.

What are your company’s mission and vision?

– The main task of PE Putevi Republike Srpske is defined by the Law on Public Roads, and it entails construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, maintenance and protection of main and regional roads, as well as reporting on the implementation of plans and programmes.

We want to be an efficient and transparent administration that will, in our role as road manager, enable faster and safer flow of people and goods on the main and regional roads, thereby building the trust of all our citizens,business entities, tourist and cultural organizations, business partners from the country and ab road and all stakeholders.

We also want to encompass the entire territory of the Republic of Srpska through proper planning and build road infrastructure equally in order to create a prerequisite for the balanced and fair development of all business activities, whether we are talking about production facilities, service activities, craft shops, agricultural production, etc.

What is your core business strategy?

– As the legal successor of of the State Road Directorate, public enterprise Putevi Republike Srpske was founded following the decree of the Government of the Republic of Srpsk aon 22nd January, 2004. The company’s main activity is the regular maintenance of the network of main and regional roads. Our company is working hard to ensure that this road network is at a satisfactory level. For example, in 2017, a total of 61,273,000.00 KM was invested in regular road maintenance activities. Also, activities on modernization and rehabilitation of roads and implementation of new infrastructure projects are constantly being carried out.

Further on, I am going to mention some of the more important projects that are already completed this year or which are currently being implemented by public enterprise Putevi Republike Srpske. The main strategy and the goal we are aim for is the modernization and construction of the main and regional roads in the Republic of Srpska, improvement of the road communication services on and road facilities in order to ensure that road users travel bettter and safer on main and regional roads, as well as increase the level of traffic safety on the roads in the Republic of Srpska and the safety of all traffic participants.

Putevi RS are building and working all over the Republic of Srpska. What are the main projects that your company has realized in 2018?

– In the first six months of this year, we invested in the construction of several major projects that are significant for the road network in the Republic of Srpska. We have construccted a roundabout on the main road M4, Banja Luka-Čelinac, in the Rebrovac quarter of Banja Luka. This intersection is a large traffic hub that was extremely busy, and with the construction of the roundabout, the quality of traffic increased, as did the permeability of the road itself and traffic safety and the safety of all the traffic participants. The value of this investment, which was fully financed by our company, amounts to 541,376.59 KM.

In the metropolitan area of Banja Luka, we have completed the construction of a 440-metre-long segment of the so-called East Transit road and spent 805,368.61 KM on the project. We are going to continue with the construction of this road sometime in the second part of this year, since this is a multi-phase project.

After several delays due to the complicated procedure prescribed in the Law on Public Procurement of Bosnia and Herzegovina, we started implementing the project of the removal of toll booths on the M16 road, Banja Luka-Klašnice. This investment, in the amount of 1,500,000 KM, will be fully funded by our company, from its budget.

Also, at the beginning of this year, we constructed a roundabout on the M16 road, at the entrance to Prnjavor, which is now fully functional. We spent a total of 266,565.35 KM on building the roundabout. We also spent 1,400,000 KM on building the R-435 road Nevesinje – Berkovići. We have also reconstructed 2km of this part of the road, thus connecting the municipalities of Nevesinje and Berković. The reconstruction of the rest of this road is covered by the ORIO programme.

We have completed the reconstruction of a 450-metre-long segment on the M6.1 road in Nevesinje, on which we spent 340,000 KM.

What other projects are being implemented in the biggest town in the Republic of Srpska?

– This year, we are planning to begin constructing two roundabouts in the town of Banja Luka – the roundabout on the M4 road, near the Delta Shopping Mall, a project worth 1,200,000 KM and the roundabout on the R405 road, near the Sirano Restaurant, worth 450,000 KM. Putevi Republike Srpske will finance both projects.

What is the situation with road infrastructure in the eastern part of the Republic of Srpska?

– During the first half of this year, we selected subcontractors and started building several intersections and road segments that are very important for the proper functioning of the road network in the Republic of Srpska and which we are going to fund. These are projects like the construction of a roundabout in East Sarajevo on the R446 regional road, and the construction of a roundabout on the recently reconstructed section of the M6.1 highway in Nevesinje. Agreements and memoranda of cooperation on implementation of a number of projects were signed with several municipalities, including the agreement with the Municipality of Bratunac on the construction of a bypass, and the agreement with the Municipality of Vlasenica on the construction of a roundabout at the intersection of the M19 and M19.2 roads. Then there is the agreement with the Municipality of East Ilidža on the construction of a roundabout on the intersection of the M18 and R446 roads, and the agreement on the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the R446 road, Lukavica-Pale.

We have continued implementing some of the projects we started a few years ago, like construction and reconstruction on the Kotor Varoš-Kneževo regional road, the construction and reconstruction on the Podgradci-Mrakovica road and the construction and reconstruction on the Bronzani Majdan – the border between RS/the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina regional road.

What are your biggest operative problems?

– Just like most companies in the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Public enterprise Putevi Republike Srpske has mainly financial problems and the problems related to investing in road construction and modernization. You have probably heard that, in the first half of this year, there has been a delay in distribution of excise revenue. Public enterprises are entitled to some of this revenue and when the revenue was not allocated, we could not hire subcontractors to start working and not implement certain projects.

Successful businessman and politician

Nenad Nešić rođen was born on July 4th, 1978 in Sarajevo. At the beginning of the war, he left his hometown and moved to Lukavica. In September 1993, he left Lukavica for Herceg Novi with his mother and brother, where he graduated from the local gymnasium. Following that, he enrolled into the Faculty of Law in Novi Sad from which he graduated. On January 1st, 2006, he was admitted to the police force where he worked in the Violent and Sex Crimes Department. Mr. Nešić completed his specialization, majoring in terrorism and organized crime, after which he started working in the Public Security Bureau East Sarajevo, where he worked until July 10th, 2014, when he terminated his employment and began to actively engage in politics. He has been recently elected deputy in the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He had also been successfully managing a private company with his brother until July 25th, 2016, when he assumed the position of the director of the Public Enterprise Putevi RS. He is married and has a daughter.

More about PE Putevi RS

In the Republic of Srpska, public enterprise Putevi RS manages a network comprising of 4,132,102km of roads, out of which 1,766,106km are main roads, 2,142,856km are regional roads and 223,140 km are local roads of general interest, which were declared, by a special decree of the Government of the Republic of Srpska, as essential for the functioning of overall transport and traffic on the territory of the Republic of Srpska, and as such, given to Putevi RS to be managed.

Public enterprise Putevi Republike Srpske d.o.o. Banja Luka is doing its best on providing quality maintenance of the main and regional road network. By investing in the construction, modernization and reconstruction of roads and road facilities, public enterprise Putevi Republike Srpske is working on raising the quality of the main and regional road network in the Republic of Srpska.

In the first six months of 2018, public enterprise Putevi Republike Srpske generated a profit in the amount of 2,722,112 KM.

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