Nestlé among founding members of the European Clean Trucking Alliance

Nestlé today joins the ‘European Clean Trucking Alliance’. This unique coalition brings together NGOs, shippers, logistics and consumer goods companies. Altogether, they share a strong goal to accelerate the decarbonization of road freight transport in the EU.

As European countries seek to recover from COVID-19, Nestlé and the other members of this Alliance urge governments to invest and accelerate the shift towards greener transport. Further reducing CO2 and air pollutants emissions from road transport will help achieve the objectives of the European Green Deal and make Europe the first carbon-neutral continent.

Paul Lammers, Head of Supply Chain for Nestlé Zone Europe, Middle East and North Africa said: “We are proud to be among the founding members of the European Clean Trucking Alliance. Improving the efficiency of our transport and distribution is crucial if we want to halve our emissions by 2030 and become climate-neutral by 2050. Since 2014, we have reduced our CO2 emissions in logistics by up to 15% in Europe. Having more zero-emission trucks and the required infrastructure will help accelerate this move.”

Nestlé is already on a race to achieve climate neutrality. In September 2019, the company announced its ambition to achieve zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Nestlé will publish a roadmap, including interim targets consistent with the 1.5°C path. Nestlé recognizes that its ability to succeed relies on society-wide changes and encourages others to do likewise.

Some of the company specific actions to improve its own transport and distribution operations include:

  • The recent opening of the European Transportation Planning Hub helps to manage all of Nestlé’s cross-border transportation in Europe in a more efficient way. It will help to better optimize precious transportation resource; driving down kilometres driven, better filling trucks and linking journeys.
  • Where possible, Nestlé is moving transport off the road to use more sustainable transport. In France, for instance, the company has cut the equivalent of 27000 truck trips per year by moving the transport of its water brands Perrier to an electric train.
  • The acceleration towards alternative fuels and electric trucks where solutions are already available. In Italy, Nestlé has been jointly working with its transport partners to use Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) trucks.  The company also continues to work closely with the industry on the deployment of electric truck technology particularly for short journeys. This will soon be the case for some parts of Nestlé transport operations in Europe.

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