Nestlé and Alliance for YOUth are to create 300,000 new opportunities by 2025 to support youth

The COVID-19 pandemic is having a huge impact on society and especially on young people. The last statistics prove it: youth unemployment is again on the rise, with more than 3 million young people already concerned in Europe1. In the Middle East and North Africa region, almost one out of three young people is unemployed2. More than ever, efforts are needed to support young people and avoid a lockdown generation.

Young Nestle


Nestlé and the Alliance for YOUth have today announced that they will create 300 000* new opportunities for your young people across Europe, Middle East and North Africa by 2025. Despite the pandemic, Nestlé and its 300 partners want to sustain their efforts and provide first jobs, apprenticeships and traineeships. The companies also want to equip the young generation with the right digital and green skills to shape the society of tomorrow.

Initiated by Nestlé in 2014, the Alliance for YOUth unites companies who want to help young people entering the job Market. Marco Settembri, CEO of Nestlé Zone Europe, Middle East and North Africa said: “Investing in youth is the single most important investment for society. With our Alliance for YOUth partners, we have already offered more than 450 000 jobs and training opportunities since the launch of the initiative in 2014. I’m proud that we’re continuing this journey all together”.

Trainees Nestle building

Speaking at the Alliance for YOUth online event, Nicolas Schmit, European  Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights said: ”The Commission is committed to helping young people bounce back stronger from the pandemic, and become equipped for the changing labour market. In the Youth Employment Support package we presented in July, we set out ways to help young people get a job or more training, develop their skills, secure apprenticeships, and bridge the gap to finding a job. The Alliance for YOUth initiative is a model of business cooperation that others can take inspiration from, having already exceeded its original target of offers. I want to thank the Alliance and all its partners for their efforts and dedication to supporting young people”.

1. According to Eurostat, News release, Euro indicators, 1 October 2020:

2 According to the findings of the 12th Annual ASDA’A BCW Arab Youth Survey 2020:

At Nestlé, this joint ambition is part of its Nestlé needs YOUth initiative – a programme to support young people in their professional lives. Specific actions include:

Providing 20 000 first job opportunities and 20 000 apprenticeships and traineeships across Europe, Middle East and North Africa by 2025. Since the launch of Nestlé needs YOUth in 2013, the company has already provided more than 26 000 apprenticeships and traineeships. During the lockdown, Nestlé organized digital training for its apprentices to allow them to complete their required curriculum. Nestlé is also embarking on digital initiatives to allow youth to gain professional experience through virtual traineeships.

Digital skills. Nestlé is further rolling out its eBusiness Academy for youth. Trainees enrolled in the programme will gain advanced digital skills (search, data, e-commerce). Specific attention will also be given to digital skills in factories. In 2019, Nestlé launched a partnership with Microsoft to allow factory apprentices to obtain a digital skills certification.

Supporting agripreneurship. Nestlé is working with young farmers to scale up sustainable agricultural practices. Nestlé wants to strengthen its programs with farmers to accelerate the move towards carbon neutral food supply chain. This will help Nestlé to achieve its zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Online “readiness for work” activities. Nestlé will continue to organize and take part in career fairs and online workshops to support young job seekers.

Trainees Henniez Factory

Fostering entrepreneurship. Nestlé and the Alliance for YOUth are joining forces with Junior Achievement Europe to help young Europeans gain entrepreneurial skills. More than 550 students already obtained their Entrepreneurial Skills Pass international qualification over the last three years.
Climate change and digital transformation are some of the many challenges that society faces. By these actions, Nestlé wants to equip the young generation with the right skills to empower them to tackle these challenges. Nestlé and the Alliance for YOUth will provide regular updates on their commitments and activities.

* This commitment of creating 300 000 opportunities by 2025 is taken by the 15 European members of the Alliance for YOUth which include Adecco Group, BT, Cargill, CEMEX, ENGIE, EY, Facebook, Firmenich, Microsoft, Nestlé, Nielsen, Publicis Groupe, Salesforce, Solvay, White & Case.

For more information:
Nestlé needs YOUth – helping young people taking the next step in their life
Nestlé supports the relaunch of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships

About the Alliance for YOUth
Initiated by Nestlé in 2014, the Alliance for YOUth is committed to giving young people meaningful work opportunities and experiences, through traineeships and apprenticeships. The companies also mobilize their employees to go out into the community and help young people get ready for work by offering practical advice, CV clinics and interview preparation. The ‘Alliance for YOUth’ companies are active members of the European Commission’s European Alliance for Apprenticeships, promoting apprenticeships and training as active ambassadors of vocational training across Europe.
European members of the Alliance for YOUth include workforce solutions provider Adecco Group, multinational telecommunications company BT, international food group Cargill,
multinational building materials company CEMEX, Global Energy Player ENGIE, professional services organization EY, social networking company Facebook, perfume and flavor firm Firmenich, technology company Microsoft, food and drink producer Nestlé, consumer insights group Nielsen, communications firm Publicis Groupe, technology firm Salesforce, chemicals and advanced materials company Solvay and international law firm White & Case. To date, more than 300 companies across Europe have joined the ‘Alliance for YOUth’. Many of these companies are also members of the Global Alliance for YOUth.

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