Nestlé company is an ally in the fight against pandemics

Nestlé company is an ally in the fight against pandemics

The world’s largest food and beverage company donates essential medical equipment to the Clinical Center of Serbia, as well as thousands of packages of products to doctors and vulnerable citizens

Socially responsible company Nestlé donates 7 infusion pumps to the Center for Anesthesiology and Reanimatology of the Clinical Center of Serbia, and has allocated more than 200,000 products needed for doctors, pensioners and others among those at risk of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nestlé has been a loyal partner to Serbia for 15 years and we strive to help, as a true ally, in the difficult circumstances of the whole country now. In this way, we would especially like to thank all hospital staff for their sacrifice and dedication”, said Milica Milanovic, Corporate Affairs Manager at Nestlé Adriatic S.

Nestlé, in cooperation with the Republican Health Insurance Fund, donated its products to doctors from children hospitals – the Institute for Mother and Child, the University Children Clinic Tirsova, the Pediatric Hospital “Dr Olga Popovic Dedijer” and the Hospital for Pediatric Pulmonary Diseases and Tuberculosis at KBC ”Dr. Dragisa Misovic” and numerous Nestlé products have arrived at the City Institute for Emergency Medical Services as well as at the Institute for Public Health Milan Jovanovic Batut.

Also, in cooperation with the City of Belgrade and the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Nestlé donated more than 35,000 soups to retirees and other vulnerable citizen groups, as well as several thousand other important products.

As a leading nutrition, health and healthy lifestyle company, Nestle’s vision has improved people’s lives, helping consumers care for themselves and their loved ones. Nestle will continue to help and be there for the community in which it operates.

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