New benefit for UNIQA health insurance beneficiaries

PostCovid wellness check-ups

From now on, UNIQA health insurance holders can enjoy one more benefit that is postCovid wellness check-up. Given the complications that can occur after a person has recovered from the coronavirus, UNIQA has provided additional health care to its clients with postCovid wellness check-ups.

UNIQA has created two postCovid wellness check-up packages for all clients who want to check their health after recovering from the coronavirus infection and, if necessary, take the necessary measures for further recovery, which, in addition to internal and cardiological exams, include laboratory analyses, required ultrasound examinations and color-Doppler examinations in health care institutions which are part of the MedUNIQA network throughout Serbia.

This one-of-a-kind service in Serbia is available to existing and new UNIQA health insurance clients. The only prerequisite is that they have already scheduled a wellness check-up as part of their health insurance so they can choose for themselves whether they will go carry out this check-up as a regular one or as a postCOVID wellness check-up, without having to pay an additional fee. All additionally indicated examinations, based on the postCovid wellness check-up, are not covered by health insurance until the coronavirus pandemic is ongoing, both in Serbia and the rest of the world.

By ensuring postCovid wellness check-ups, UNIQA has once again shown its uncompromising concern for the health and well-being of its clients, responded to customer needs and validated its leading position in the voluntary health insurance segment. Health cannot wait, and having a UNIQA policy during the ongoing pandemic provides clients with fast and quality health services within the agreed packages for outpatient and inpatient treatment of for all acute diseases in over 800 health institutions that belong to the MedUNIQA network all over Serbia. The MedUNIQA team, which employs only doctors, is available 24/7 for advice and appointments at the selected health institutions and at the desired time, with no waiting time. In cases of a client is confirmed to have the coronavirus, further treatment is not covered by insurance while the pandemic is still in force, because the relevant treatment is performed exclusively in accordance with the protocol of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia.

For more information, please contact any of UNIQA’s branch offices, or call toll-free number 0800 201 301, or visit our website

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