New magazine “Diplomacy & Commerce” presented at the residence of the British Ambassador!

Regarding the publication of the 1st issue of the magazine “Diplomacy & Commerce”, published by Color Press Group, which is issued in cooperation with the London-based “The Economist”, a reception was held at the residence of the British Ambassador to Serbia. A monthly magazine in English language devoted to the diplomatic and business community covers topics of importance on projects, activities, news and events from the diplomatic and business community in Serbia. In addition to the hosts, ambassador Denis Keefe and his wife Kate, guests were greeted by Robert Čoban, the president of Color Press Group, Ruža Ristanović, director of the magazine and Žikica Milošević, editor-in-chief.

Readers of the “Diplomacy & Commerce” will in each issue have an exclusive opportunity to read the three integral texts of magazine” The Economist “written by leading columnists for the respected newspaper.


Guests were addressed by H E Denis Keefe, the British ambassador: “Although we have gathered to follow the launch of the magazine in English, I am speaking to you in the Serbian language. It is my honour and pleasure to have the opportunity to read “Diplomacy & Commerce” as well as the texts of such brands as “The Economist”, which is synonymous with quality and I wish you much success.”

The reception was attended by guests from the diplomatic, economic and political landscape of Serbia, including Maja Gojković, President of the Assembly of Serbia, Peter Burkhart, Head of the OSCE Mission, Freek Janmaat, director of the economic department of the EU delegation, Saša Janković, Ombudsman, Michel Saint-Lot, Director of UNICEF, Lukrecija Deri, State Secretary in the Ministry of trade, Slaviša Grujić,  Secretary for culture and information of Vojvodina, Philip Pennington, Canadian ambassador, Alexander Jung, Deputy German Ambassador, Martin Knapp, director of the delegation of German Economy, Vera Nikolić Dimić, Director of AmCham, Ana Grujović, director of the Swiss-Serbian chamber of Commerce, Danijela Fisakov, President of the Slovenian business club, Fanina Kovačević, Hellenic business Association, and numerous representatives of embassies, chambers of commerce, companies, media agencies, and business and cultural community of Serbia.

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“Diplomacy & Commerce” will be published on the first day of every month, and will be distributed to the addresses of diplomatic, political and business leaders. The portal in English represents an information platform that offers a variety of useful information about the local, regional and international investment opportunities and trends, offering a multitude of information and news.

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