New Year’s Gathering – The Slovenian Business Club

The Slovenian Business Club celebrates its 18th anniversary in Serbia

Danijela Fišakov, president of Slovenian Business Club

On December 13, 2021, at the Hyatt Residence Hotel in Belgrade, friends and members of the Slovenian Business Club (SBC) gathered at the traditional New Year’s cocktail reception of the Slovenian Business Club to exchange good energy, toast each other and wish good health and new successes. This was also an occasion to celebrate SBC’s 18th anniversary of successful operations and continuous and stable growth. The Club’s president, Danijela Fišakov, MBA, greeted the guests and said:

This year, the SBC became an “adult”, that is it has turned 18 years old. Finally, we have the right to vote. In fact, we have earned this right to vote thanks to our impeccable reputation and work well together with our members with whom we built high standards in these past 18 years. The message that we send out is that we are a trustworthy organization. Being a reliable partner to its members and two countries for 18 years is certainly a success worthy of respect. We are continuing our mission of creating success stories. We are going to blow our birthday candles accompanied by a brass band, as the Serbian custom dictates, some other time. I would like to thank all the individuals and companies that participated in creating the brand that is the Slovenian Business Club. I would also like to thank the following for their good cooperation – all state institutions of Serbia and Slovenia, the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Serbia, the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Slovenia, the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia, SPIRIT, business associations and journalists. Special thanks to the friends of the SBC – our old friends NLB Bank and Triglav Osiguranje, and as of this year, companies Intereuropa and Aktiva Varovanje. I would also like to thank all other SBC members who have wholeheartedly supported the activities of the SPK in this challenging year with their ideas, constructive proposals and financial assistance.“

Mr. Primož Križaj, Consul at the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Serbia, also addressed the guests.

Primož Križaj, Consul at the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Serbia

The following were the event’s sponsors – AIK Banka, Aktiva Varovanje doo Belgrade, Akton Serbia, CorD Magazine, Avtera SR, Cash Back Imo, Celjske Mesnine, Katanić Distillery, Don Don, ETI B, Eurocom International, Focus Factor Plus, GH Holding, Gorenje, Impol Seval, Imagine, Intereuropa, Istrabenz Plini, JUB, Kolektor Etra, Kovintrade, Labena, Port of Koper, Manpower Business Solutions, Markat Media, Mercator-S, NLB Komercijalna Banka, Bel Medic General Hospital, Panajotović Wine Cellar, Petrol, Profil Group, Radgonske Gorice, Sava Osiguranje Srbija, SETCCE, Triglav Osiguranje, Vuković&Partners Law Firm and World Transport Overseas.


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