The first clients of NLB Bank were granted EUR 17 million from the loan program for financing liquidity and working capital in accordance with the Decree on Guarantee Scheme of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.  

Interest in loans from this program is extremely high and the bank has so far received requests for financing in the amount of 40 million euros. Most of the demand comes from clients dealing with trade, manufacturing and low construction, and the largest part of the demand comes from the segment of small and medium enterprises.

“During the last period, we all faced extremely difficult challenges, we worked in conditions of great uncertainty and fought from day to day to preserve the health of citizens. Now is the time to work on helping the economy to get back on its feet as soon as possible, and it is important that each of us take our share of responsibility in accomplishing this important task. The fight for economic revival is also a fight for the quality of life of all citizens, and we in the financial sector can and have to play an important role in that fight. That is why I am proud that we at NLB Bank managed to prepare for the realization of loans to support the economy in a very short time, especially to those enterprises that felt the consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic the most – small and medium business. We have also prepared for the payment of one-time support to the citizens of Serbia, and for young people who didnt cooperate with banks so far, we have prepared a free package with products and services that can benefit them in everyday life included, “said Vlastimir Vukovic, NLB Bank Executive Board member. Banks. He pointed out that health risks are still present and that in this regard, when doing business with the bank, it is important to keep in mind that measures aimed at protecting the health of clients and employees, introduced during the state of emergency, are still in force.

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