Non-binding Public Call to collect Letters of Interest for design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of garages in the territory of the City of Novi Sad

The City of Novi Sad invites interested domestic and foreign natural and legal persons (hereinafter: Potential partners) to submit non-binding written offers (hereinafter: Letters of Interest) for the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of garages in the territory of the City of Novi Now (hereinafter: Project).

The locations for the realization of the Project are:

1. Public garage in Modena Street;
2. Public garage at the corner of Uspenska Street and Šafarikova Street;
3. Public garage near the building of the Provincial Government and the Assembly of AP
4. Public garage in Branimira Ćosića Street;
5. Public garage near Railway station Novi Sad and
6. Public garage Detelinara – next to the Boulevard of Europe

1. Public garage in Modena Street

The planned public garage is located underneath Modena Street in the city center (along Trg slobode (Liberty square), Zmaj Jovina Street and Kralja Aleksandra Street).

Characteristics of the planned public garage:
 In relation to the terrain level, the garage is underground (the number of underground
floors is not limited),
 In relation to the usable area, the garage is large * (the gross area of one floor is
approximately 3150 m2),
 The capacity of the garage is 120 passenger cars per floor (recommendation is a minimum
of two floors),
 The access to the garage is from Modena Street (from direction of Žarka Zrenjanin Street),
 Lot number: 7732/1, C.M. Novi Sad II,
 Angle of terrain 78.30 – 79.00 mamsl and
 Groundwater level is 76.50 mamsl

2. Public garage on the corner of Uspenska Street and Šafarikova Street

The planned garage is located in the immediate vicinity of the narrow city center, in the block that limits Uspenska, Šafarikova and Pavla Papa streets. In the immediate vicinity is the Serbian National Theater, the Uspenska Church, the Reformatory-Kalvinist Church and Trg slobode (Liberty Square).

Characteristics of the planned public garage:
 In relation to the level of the terrain, the garage is above ground (Basement+ Gf + 3),
 In relation to the usable area, the garage is large * (the gross area of one floor is
approximately 2100 m2 – the total garage area is about 10,000 m2),
 The capacity of the garage is 70 passenger cars per floor (total of 350 passenger cars),
 The access to the garage is from the streets of Pavel Papa and Šafarikova,
 Lot numbers: 10140/2, 10140/1, 10141, 10142, 10143, 10144/1 and 1587/1, C.M. Novi
Sad I,
 Angle of terrain 79.00 – 79.50 mamsl and
 Groundwater level 76.50 mamsl

3. Public garage near the building of the Provincial Government and the Assembly of APV

The planned garage is located below the green area in the block between Žarka Zrenjanin Street, Banovinsky Passage route and Vladike Platona Street. In the immediate vicinity of this garage, there is a building of the Provincial Government and  the Assembly of AP Vojvodina and the building of the Assembly of the City of Novi Sad. The Liberty Square is 400 meters away.

Characteristics of the planned public garage:
 In relation to the terrain level, the garage is underground (two underground floors),
 In relation to the usable area, the garage is large * (the gross area of one floor is
approximately 3000 m2 – the total garage area is approximately 6,000 m2),
 The capacity of the garage is 92 passenger cars per floor (total of 185 passenger cars),
 The access to the garage is from the Banovinsky passage route and from Vladike Platona
 Lot number: 186, C.M. Novi Sad II,
 Angle of terrain 77.20 – 77.50 mamsl and
 Groundwater level 76.50 mamsl

4. Public garage in Branimira Ćosića Street

The planned public garage is located in Branimira Ćosića Street, south of the kindergarten “Palčica”. In the immediate vicinity there is the Clinic for gynecology and obstetrics of the Clinical Center of Vojvodina – Novi Sad “Betanija” and a large number of residential buildings and family houses.

Characteristics of the planned public garage:
 In relation to the level of the terrain, the garage is above ground (Basement + Gf + 3),
 In relation to the usable area,the garage is large * (the gross surface of one floor is
approximately 2850 m2 – the total garage area is approximately 14,250 m2),
 The capacity of the garage is 90 passenger cars per floor, with the possibility of parking and
on board (total of 540 passenger cars),
 The access to the garage is from Branimir Ćosića Street,
 Lot numbers: 6826/2, 6824/1, 6825, 6823, 6822/1, 6826/1 and 6827, C.M. Novi Sad I,
 Angle of terrain 78.50 mamsl and
 Groundwater level 77.30 mamsl

5. Public garage near the Railway Station Novi Sad

The planned garage is located next to the Railway Station Novi Sad in the area between the heating plant “Sever” facility and the existing parking lot of the railway station, at the beginning of Oslobođenja Boulevard, and next to Jaše Tomića Boulevard. In the immediate vicinity there is an intercity bus station.

Characteristics of the planned garage:
 In relation to the level of the terrain, the garage is above the ground (Gf + 1), it is possible to
build underground floors,
 In relation to the usable area, the garage is large * (the gross area of one floor is approx.
2750 m2 – the total area of the garage is approximately 5,500 m2),
 The capacity of the garage is 80 passenger cars per floor (total of 240 passenger cars – with
parking on the roof),
 The access to the garage is from an internal road that is connected with Boulevard Jaše
 Lot number: part of 4967/10, C.M. Novi Sad I,
 Angle of terrain 78.50 mamsl and
 Groundwater level 77.30 mamsl

6. Detelinara Public Garage – next to the Boulevard of Europe

At this site, which forms part of the north-eastern regulation of the Boulevard of Europe in Veselina Masleše Street, on the stretch from Avijatičarska Street to Branka Bajića Street, the construction of the underground parking garage is planned. Five zones are planned, and the gross surfaces of each of the construction zones are 9420m² for the segment between the streets Oblačića Rada and Avijatičarska, 19274 m² for the segment between Kornelija Stankovića and Oblačića Rada streets, 5129 m² for the segment between the streets of Janka Veselinovića and Kornelija Stankovića, 11943 m² for the segment between the streets of Hadži Ruvimova and Janka Veselinovića, and 11852 m² for the segment between Branka Bajića and Hadži Ruvimova streets. Access to the garages is planned from Veselina Masleše Street.

Characteristics of the planned public garage (for two segments, for which the plan is in the final
phase of adoption):
 In relation to the terrain level, the garage is underground (the number of underground
floors is not limited),
 In relation to the usable area, the garage is large * (the gross area of one floor is
approximately 5129 m2 + 11943 m2),
 The capacity of the garage is 160 + 350 passenger cars per floor,
 The access to the garage is from Veselina Masleše Street,
 Lot numbers: 10453, 5871, 5872, 5869, 5868, 10665, 3576 and other, C.M. Novi Sad I,
 Angle of terrain 78.20 – 78.50 mamsl and
 Groundwater level is 75.50 – 78.50 mamsl
* Note: The term “large garage” is in accordance with the Regulation on Technical Requirements for
the Protection of Garages for Passenger Cars from Fire and Explosion (“The Official Gazette of SCG”,
No. 31/05). The characteristics of the “large garage” are:
• Usable area is more than 1500 m2;
• Must have a separate entrance for firefighting intervention;
• Must have at least two entrances-exits with two lanes, and
• Must have at least two indoor ramps with two lanes.

Call Conditions:

Potential partners have the opportunity to provide a Letter of Interest with an offer that will include all or only individual locations for the implementation of the Project, of their choice. The City of Novi Sad will provide the construction land for the realization of the Project. Potential partners are expected to carry out their own assessments as well as to carry out all necessary checks to assess the value of the Project.
After analyzing the received Letters of Interest, the competent bodies of the City of Novi Sad can initiate the appropriate procedure for the selection of partners for the implementation of the Project, in accordance with the provisions of the laws regulating public-private partnership and concessions. An analysis of the received Letters of Interest will be conducted by a working group formed by the City of Novi Sad.
The goal of the City of Novi Sad is to find the interested parties for the implementation of the Project to improve the conditions for the development of the parking space and garaging in the territory of the City of Novi Sad.

The Letter of Interest must contain the following information:

• General information about the Potential partner (business name, registered office, company registration number and VAT);
• An indicative business plan for a period of at least 5 years and up to 50 years, including a proposal for a partnership model in accordance with the provisions of the law governing publicprivate partnership and concessions;
• Framework conceptual design for the realization of the Project (which should include the indicative amount of the planned investments, as well as the plan, method and dynamics, i.e deadline for the realization of the Project);
• Planned structure and method of financing (eg financing from own funds, loans and/or subsidies, etc.);
• Offered collateral in the event the realization of the Project is not performed within the agreed time and /or in the manner envisaged.

Letters of interest and all supporting documents must be signed by an authorized person and sealed with a stamp (if stamp is used).
If a partner selection procedure is initiated, the Potential Partner will be expected to deliver the documentation that corresponds to what is stated in the Letter of Interest, as well as relevant evidence.
Letters of Interest shall be sent by post or direct delivery in two copies to the clerk’s office of the City Administration for General Affairs, Trg slobode 1, Novi Sad, and simultaneously by e-mail to [email protected] , by April 8th at the latest 2019, until 12 o’clock noon.

Letters of interest shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, with the obligatory mention of the name and code of this Call, with the note “Letter of interest for design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of garages in the territory of the City of Novi Sad, call code NJP-1/2019 City Administration for Construction Land and Investments) – Do Not Open “. On the back of the envelope it is necessary to clearly indicate the name, address and phone number of the Potential Partner.

Prior to sending the Letters of interest, all Potential partners will be given access to the relevant documentation after signing a statement on the protection of confidential data. The form of the statement on the protection of confidential data can be downloaded at . The statement signed by the authorized person is submitted by the Potential partner directly to the clerk’s office of the City Administration for General Affairs, Trg slobode 1, Novi Sad and at the same time sent by e-mail to [email protected], by March 25th, 2019 at the latest at 12 o’clock noon, in two copies.

All Potential Partners will be enabled to visit the locations for the implementation of the Project, upon their request. Requests can be sent by e-mail to [email protected] , with mandatory reference of the name and code of this Call.
This Call is in all cases non-binding and it is published only for the purpose of the market research, and in that sense it does not oblige the City of Novi Sad to initiate any procedure for selecting a partner. The City of Novi Sad reserves the right not to initiate the procedure for selecting a partner, and to modify and supplement the elements of this non-binding public call, and shall not bear any liability for any costs or damages that such modifications would cause to the Potential partner or to third parties.
All additional information and questions regarding this Call can be obtained by e-mail to [email protected] , with the mandatory reference of the name and code of this Call.


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