The City of Novi Sad invites all interested domestic or foreign legal entities (hereinafter referredto as: Potential partners) to submit non-binding written bids (hereinafter referred to as: Letters of interest) for energy rejuvenation through energy efficiency improvement of the sports and business center ‘Vojvodina’ – Novi Sad facility (hereinafter referred to as: Facility.
For the purpose of this call, under energy rejuvenation through energy efficiency improvement of the Facility, are to be included all measures necessary for the Facility’s energy efficiency improvement with the aim of decreasing all types of energy and water consumption, as well as the decrease of the total labor cost, maintenance and management of the Facility’s energy system.
Potential partners are expected to submit a Letter of interest expressing their interest in energy rejuvenation through energy efficiency improvement of the Facility, all with the aim of decreasing all types of energy and water consumption, as well as the decrease of the total labor cost, maintenance and management of the Facility’s energy system.
Following the analysis of the received Letters of interest, City of Novi Sad authorized bodies can initiate the appropriate procedure for selection of the partner for the purpose of energy rejuvenation through energy efficiency improvement of the Facility. The analysis of the received Letters of intent will be performed by the work group formed by the City of Novi Sad. The goal of the City of Novi Sad is to, through energy rejuvenation, by energy efficiency improvement of the Facility, all with the aim of decreasing all types of energy and water consumption, as well as the decrease of the total labor cost, maintenance and management of the Facility’s energy system, and to achieve the satisfactory energy balance, which would contribute to significant savings in Facility’s usage.
Letters of interest must contain the following information:
• General information about the Potential partner (business name, registered office, company registration number and Tax Identification Number);
• Relevant references in the field of energy efficiency and efficient usage of energy for the Potential partner;
• An indicative business plan for implementation of energy rejuvenation through energy efficiency improvement of the Facility (which is to contain an indicative amount of investments, as well as the plan, manner and dynamics, i.e. a timeframe for the realization of energy rejuvenation through energy efficiency improvement of the Facility) for a period of maximum 50 years, including a proposal for a partnership model in accordance with applicable legal
• Planned structure and method of financing (e.g. financing from own funds, loans and/or subsidies, etc.);
• Offered collateral in the event that the energy rejuvenation through energy efficiency improvement of the Facility is not performed within the agreed time and/or in the manner envisaged.
Letters of interest and all supporting documentation must be signed by the authorized person of the Potential partner and sealed (if applicable).
If the procedure for selection of partner is initiated, the Potential partner shall be expected to deliver the documentation which corresponds by its content to what had been stated within the Letter of interest, as well as the appropriate proof of evidence.
Letters of interest shall be submitted by postal service or directly by submitting them to the clerk’s office of the City Administration for General Affairs, Trg slobode 1, Novi Sad, in two copies, and by simultaneously sending it via email to [email protected], at the latest until April 05th, 2019, until 12 noon.
All Potential partners will be able to visit the Facility at their request. The requests can be sent by e-mail to [email protected], with mandatory reference to the name and code of this call.
This call is in all cases non-binding and is published only for the purpose of the market research, and in that sense it does not oblige the City of Novi Sad to initiate any procedure for selecting a partner. The City of Novi Sad reserves the right not to initiate the procedure for selecting a partner, and to modify and supplement the elements of this non-binding public call, and shall not bear any liability for any costs or damages that such modifications would cause to the Potential partner or to third parties.
All additional information and questions related to this call can be obtained by email to [email protected], with mandatory reference to the title and code of this call.